Archived: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
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Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 4:27 am | #31
so what is the best way to get xp and also how long is this lasting?
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 4:41 pm | #32
I'm lonely. Need someone who want to play with me?

Re: Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 4:56 pm | #33
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
I'm lonely. Need someone who want to play with me? 

i'll play but i suck so bad, do u mind?
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 5:13 pm | #34
i've gone up 3 :S
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 5:44 pm | #35
would anyone boost with me if so send me a message on here
Re: Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 5:47 pm | #36
Quote by mattd411:
would anyone boost with me if so send me a message on here
Do u have second controlled?
Re: Re: Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 6:01 pm | #37
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Dakota 21 47:
I went from 83 to 85 in 3 hours of playing.
I will definitely reach 100 by monday at least 97
I will definitely reach 100 by monday at least 97
Not trying to burst your bubble, but you know 81 is the halfway mark right? I mean if you're boosting its totally doable, but you'd still have to play gears 2 pretty hardcore to get to level 100 by monday.
Not boosting, playing warzone and wingman.
I hit 87, halfway to 88.
In 8 hours or so I've went from 83 to 87 and 1/2
definitely going to reach at Least 95,
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 6:20 pm | #38
So far only about 3 but I'll be playing this all week. Too bad I'm not on summer break yet =/ My goal is level 70 though (56 right now)
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 7:02 pm | #39
i started at 17 and now im at 21 gonna played horde for about 45 min gonna try to get to 50
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/15/10 10:20 pm | #40
I started an event for the King of the Hill boosting for this friday, first come first serve. Bay, I sent you a message, hopefully you can help us with this?
Re: Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/16/10 6:17 pm | #41
Quote by Aidan :
I started an event for the King of the Hill boosting for this friday, first come first serve. Bay, I sent you a message, hopefully you can help us with this?
Did bay message you back?
KOTH Boosting
Needed: Minimum of 6 players, 4 a 2nd controller. Maximum of 10. Six players recommended for ease of coordination.
Game Type: King of the Hill
Lobby Type: Social
Difficulty: N/A
First establish two teams of 5 splitting up the 4 individuals with the 2nd controllers signed in with guest accounts. Once your parties are set, one group should search for a game until they get an open game with only bots on the opposing team. Once that is found, the 2nd group should start searching and with any luck, you'll end up in the game together. If not, keep searching. In my experience, starting a search at the same time almost never results in a matchup. This part can get a bit frustrating as you often end up searching and winding up in the same game you don't want to be in over and over, and breaking out of that requires the group to reform. Be will be worth it once you get into the game together.
Once you are in a game together, decide which group (cog or locust) goes first. Everybody get to the capture point (don't get in it yet) and when everybody is ready, the group going first gets all 5 players to stand in the caputure point. Once it is capped and the team gets a point, the opposing team should move in and break the capture. As soon as it is broken, move back out to let it get recapped and repeat. You are in essence, playing hokey-pokey for 10 minutes straight. Once you get going you will definitely get into a rhythm. The team standing in the circle can go watch TV/read a book for about 7 minutes as you just stand there while the other team 'works'. Once one team gets to 118 points, teams should switch places. If all goes well, one team should have 118 points and the other wins before the 15 minute timer is up. Alternate winning teams each round.
With this method, every player in the circle gets 200 points for the capture, and every player who breaks the capture gets 50. After 3 full rounds all players should have roughly 92k game points (except maybe the guest accounts), which roughly translates to 142k exp under 6x XP...all in less than 45 minutes.
Im in middle of KotH boost right now and go all night. Hope make it to 80.
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/16/10 8:19 pm | #42
Well i did my shit last year in horde legit only double xp. glad to have it done. try not to rant on guardian boosting scrubs. but i got 1000 hours into gears 2 to get my rank 100. now everyone does it in under a week or 2. oh well thats the way the cookie crumbles. Next up im finishing 1 million in fear 2. its over 150 hours and im at 725k xp now cant wait. only 135 people have that versus all the game savers profile glitchers and other shit in fear 2. well good luck to you have fun.
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/16/10 8:20 pm | #43
you should be able to slam levels now anyways with 6 x xp you should be done almost by the end of the weekend. i was pullin 100 hours a week down in gears back in sept. now that you got no school its a breeze. anyways dont forget to rest the tv occassionally lol. the glory days of boosting for an achievement huh.
Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/16/10 8:27 pm | #44
Alright thanks Impulse. Bay helped me too. Look forward to boosting on Saturday

Re: Gears 2 6X XP How many levels have you gone up?
06/16/10 10:09 pm | #45
so far ive gone up 4 legit levels (as in, not boosting) i went from 36-40. tomorrow, i shalt try and get into a boostin party, so aidan im lookin at you xD i wanna atleast get my 50..but 100 would be nice lol
i also need to finish up some dam horde...erg...
i also need to finish up some dam horde...erg...