Archived: games you will continue to play
Posted Under: Gaming
games you will continue to play
08/17/09 4:23 am | #1
I was just playing final fantasy VII and it got me thinking about the 360 games that are out now and who will still be playing them in the future. FFVII is 12 years old and i know a number of people who still play and love it. So what games do you see yourself playing 10-15 years down the road? It also got me thinking if the achievements for the 360 games will still be unlockable in the next 10 years.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 4:38 am | #2
Devil May Cry 4, Mega Man 9, Bayonetta (I'm assuming anyway), Marvel VS. Capcom 2.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 4:39 am | #3
and for the record, I'm a INSANE MEGA FAN of FFVII
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 5:26 am | #4
as long as me and my friends have halo 3, we'll prolly all still play it lol
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 5:29 am | #5
I'll probably still be playing both Geometry Wars games from time-to-time in 10-15 years. I'm sure they'll have newer, flashier ones by then but even as good as GW2 is, I still play the original almost as much.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 7:59 am | #6
I can still see myself playing Fallout 3 down the road. I don't know how long down the road. I mean, I have the full gs and still just want to play that game.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 8:02 am | #7
Madden lol, just got it but almost 1000 gS already.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 8:11 am | #8
Gears of war 2 damn lots of games honestly 
but gears 4ever

but gears 4ever
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 11:54 am | #9
guitar hero/rock band, gears 2, metal gear solid
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 12:50 pm | #10 will probably be a fighter like Soul Calibur 4
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 1:14 pm | #11
I'll always play Gears of War 1.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 1:50 pm | #12
ill always play zelda: a link to the past. metal gear solid 2. final fantasy VIII my personal favorite.
but next gen probably fallout 3.
but next gen probably fallout 3.
Re: Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 4:17 pm | #13
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
I can still see myself playing Fallout 3 down the road. I don't know how long down the road. I mean, I have the full gs and still just want to play that game.
Yeah, same here except for the full GS part. That game never gets boring.
Re: games you will continue to play
08/17/09 4:29 pm | #14
i guess i would add fallout 3 in there too. im waiting for the GotY edition for the rest of the dlc tho.