I joined xba about 2 months ago & am just now getting around to introducing myself...too much time gaming (as if that were possible LOL).
I'm a former medic from Northern Michigan. Moved to Indy after a disabling injury a few yrs back. Originally started gaming back in the arcade days of the early '80s. I went from 72-96 hr work-weeks and little time for gaming, hunting, fishing etc to suddenly having way too much time on my hands literally overnight.
So.....I got back into gaming with an original xbox and a ps2. I was astounded with how "great" the graphics were on those consoles.
My favorite game early on was Morrowind. Then I read where Bethesda had just released a new game, Oblivion. so, I bought my 1st 360 the next day and have not looked back

My favorite genres are still RPG's. I also like sports games & some shooters & I prefer single player & co-op with good friends.
My favorite games: Oblivion, Assassins Creed 2, AC: Brotherhood, Fallout 3 & NV, Bully SE.
I also enjoy the Madden football + i like college football, basketball, hockey, & baseball games. Also enjoy the DiRT and PURE racing games.
Some arcade games I like are Feeding Frenzy 1 & 2, Time Pilot, AstroPop, Centipede.
Games I am impatiently looking forward to include Skyrim (is it Nov 11 yet?), the next Assassins Creed game, DiRT3, Madden and college football.
Besides gaming I enjoy reading, writing (poetry & freelance). I follow my favorite sports teams religiously: the Indianapolis Colts & the Detroit Red Wings.
I love to spend time with my 2 Siberian huskies, Kiska & Juneau. (in fact my gamertag, Kiskit, is one of the nicknames we have for Kiska).
Anyway, just wanted to say hi to my fellow gamers here. Am always looking to meet new friends. Have a good one eh!