Archived: Game Room Game Paks
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 12:35 pm | #1
I have a thread similar to this one but the title was wrong so some people had problems finding it. Anyway, there are 2 new game paks out, anyone know what games are included on those?

Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 1:14 pm | #2
GamePak 001:
Astrosmash - Intellivision
Battlantis - Arcade (Konami)
Combat - 2600
Crystal Castles - Arcade (Atari)
Finalizer - Arcade (Konami)
Lunar Lander - Arcade (Atari)
Outlaw - 2600
Red Baron - Arcade (Atari)
Scramble - Arcade (Konami)
Sea Battle - Intellivision
Space Armada - Intellivision
Tutankham - Arcade (Konami)
Yar's Revenge - 2600
GamePak 002:
Adventure - 2600
Centipede - Arcade (Atari)
Football - Intellivision
Gravitar - Arcade (Atari)
Jungler - Arcade (Konami)
Millipede - 2600
Mountain Madness - Intellivision
RealSports Tennis - 2600
Road Fighter - Arcade (Konami)
Shao-lin's Road - Arcade (Konami)
Space Hawk - Intellivision
Star Raiders - 2600
Sub Hunt - Intellivision
Super Cobra - Arcade (Konami)
Tempest - Arcade (Atari)
Game Pack 003:
Basketball Intellivision (Intellivision)
Megamania Atari 2600 (Activision)
Night Stalker Intellivision
Pitfall! Atari 2600 (Activision)
Rack 'Em Up Arcade (Konami)
RealSports Volleyball Atari 2600 (Atari)
Super Breakout Arcade (Atari)
Battlezone Arcade (Atari)
Canyon Bomber Atari 2600 (Atari)
Keystone Kapers Atari 2600 (Activision)
Mega Zone Arcade (Konami)
Night Driver Atari 2600 (Atari)
Oink! Atari 2600 (Activision)
Soccer Intellivision
Game Pack 004:
Asteroids Arcade (Atari)
Demons to Diamonds Atari 2600 (Atari)
Grand Prix Atari 2600 (Activision)
Shark! Shark! Intellivision
Space Duel Arcade (Atari)
Stampede Atari 2600 (Activision)
Time Pilot Arcade (Konami)
Probable Game Pack 005, coming May 26:
Millipede (arcade)
River Raid (Atari 2600)
Boxing (Intellivision)
Buzz Bombers (Intellivision)
Haunted House (Atari 2600)
Spider Fighter (Atari 2600)
Strategy X (arcade)
Astrosmash - Intellivision
Battlantis - Arcade (Konami)
Combat - 2600
Crystal Castles - Arcade (Atari)
Finalizer - Arcade (Konami)
Lunar Lander - Arcade (Atari)
Outlaw - 2600
Red Baron - Arcade (Atari)
Scramble - Arcade (Konami)
Sea Battle - Intellivision
Space Armada - Intellivision
Tutankham - Arcade (Konami)
Yar's Revenge - 2600
GamePak 002:
Adventure - 2600
Centipede - Arcade (Atari)
Football - Intellivision
Gravitar - Arcade (Atari)
Jungler - Arcade (Konami)
Millipede - 2600
Mountain Madness - Intellivision
RealSports Tennis - 2600
Road Fighter - Arcade (Konami)
Shao-lin's Road - Arcade (Konami)
Space Hawk - Intellivision
Star Raiders - 2600
Sub Hunt - Intellivision
Super Cobra - Arcade (Konami)
Tempest - Arcade (Atari)
Game Pack 003:
Basketball Intellivision (Intellivision)
Megamania Atari 2600 (Activision)
Night Stalker Intellivision
Pitfall! Atari 2600 (Activision)
Rack 'Em Up Arcade (Konami)
RealSports Volleyball Atari 2600 (Atari)
Super Breakout Arcade (Atari)
Battlezone Arcade (Atari)
Canyon Bomber Atari 2600 (Atari)
Keystone Kapers Atari 2600 (Activision)
Mega Zone Arcade (Konami)
Night Driver Atari 2600 (Atari)
Oink! Atari 2600 (Activision)
Soccer Intellivision
Game Pack 004:
Asteroids Arcade (Atari)
Demons to Diamonds Atari 2600 (Atari)
Grand Prix Atari 2600 (Activision)
Shark! Shark! Intellivision
Space Duel Arcade (Atari)
Stampede Atari 2600 (Activision)
Time Pilot Arcade (Konami)
Probable Game Pack 005, coming May 26:
Millipede (arcade)
River Raid (Atari 2600)
Boxing (Intellivision)
Buzz Bombers (Intellivision)
Haunted House (Atari 2600)
Spider Fighter (Atari 2600)
Strategy X (arcade)
Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 2:54 pm | #3
thanks Reverend Meta...now, within each pak, do you have to purchase each game seperately? if so, how much is each game?
Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 2:55 pm | #4
and how did you get the Xbox america friend, sponsor & benefactor badges Meta?
Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 4:50 pm | #5
Yeah, you purchase each game separately. $3 (240 pts) to play on just Xbox or PC, or $5 (400 pts) to play on both.
I got those badges for donating during the 2008 fundraiser.
I got those badges for donating during the 2008 fundraiser.

Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 10:19 pm | #6
PureEvil made a good suggestion, to add the information from the other "Gamr Room" thread. So I put up Game Packs 1 and 2, and I'll just keep this thread updated with the stuff as it comes out.
Also guys, right now there are rumors that Double Dragon and a Mega Man game may be coming to Game Room in pack 6, as well as the Star Wars arcade game (the old vector-based one).
Also guys, right now there are rumors that Double Dragon and a Mega Man game may be coming to Game Room in pack 6, as well as the Star Wars arcade game (the old vector-based one).
Re: Game Room Game Paks
05/22/10 10:21 pm | #7
You're the man Meta!
Re: Game Room Game Paks
06/01/10 6:11 pm | #8
Meta U R da man!
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