Like to race, but hate the boundaries? Look no further, because Burnout Paradise is the game for you. It is a free-roam racer and you have to make the decisions on your route; one mistake and you can blow the whole race.

Burnout has endless fun: Stunt Runs, Road Rages, Races, Burning Routes, and Marked Man races to up your ranks in the burnout world. Then, while just driving around, you can do showtimes where you just basically destroy traffic, and road rules to be the fastest person down each street. Of course, like any free roam game, there are collectables: 120 billboards to destroy, 400 smashes to drive through, and 50 Superjumps to land. Also, the takedowns are still insane and an important part of the game.

The creators obviously had multiplayer in mind while creating this game. You can hop online and do all the single player events with up to 8 players in free roam. Even while alone you can try to be the fastest on your friends list to go down every street and have the highest showtime on every street. There are also 500 challenges you can do, some of which are fun, like for this specific 8 player challenge all the cars except one line up between two ramps and one person flies over all of them; if he/she misses, it would be destructive. You can also do ranked races, just like any other racing game out there.

The achievements aren't too challenging; the one for beating all the events is rough because the stunt runs begin to become impossible as you go on through the campaign. Also, what sucks is that you need a vision camera to get 30 of the gamerscore. Online is also put into the achievements by having to win some races, be top in freeburn, and completing challenges. Theres 1250 total gamerscore available in achievements, after you buy all the DLC.

All of the DLC for this game is a great addition. There's the main DLC called Paradise Island, which adds an entire new area to Paradise City, with new events, collectables, and more. There's Party DLC, which is created for when you have a lot of friends over, but not nearly enough controllers. And there's Cops and Robbers for more online fun.

All in all this is an amazing game with loads of hours of fun.