Archived: Frontlines Fuel of war
Posted Under: Gaming
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Frontlines Fuel of war
09/01/10 7:17 pm | #1
Does any one have Frontlines fuel of war i need like seven more ppl that can either help me get the online achievements or who need them so we can get them together not alot of ppl play this so i can only play player matches which suck because 4 achievements i need have to be in a ranked matches so if any one wnats to get these shoot me a message on xbl or on here or how ever you want and lets get these achievements
Re: Frontlines Fuel of war
09/01/10 7:58 pm | #2
I own but haven't even played it?
If you got a round about time or day to try and do it I might be in. I work 9p-6a Thurs-Mon.
Any other time try and set up so I don't do my second favorite pastime of sleeping?
If you got a round about time or day to try and do it I might be in. I work 9p-6a Thurs-Mon.
Any other time try and set up so I don't do my second favorite pastime of sleeping?
Re: Frontlines Fuel of war
09/03/10 10:45 am | #3
TCS Taeger and Big Mike, I need all the online ranked achievements as well. I can't seem to find any ranked matches. I am willing to join in with both of you so that we can ALL accomplish the required achievements. My GT is MisticalIceman. I will be on XBL tonight, Friday 9/3 around 7:00pm - 8:00 pm Pacific Time. Please send me a game invite and I will join. I will also send both of you messages when I am on line. LET'S DO THIS

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