So let me deviate your attention to a different kind of game.
Here I present to you...

Since Friday the 13th is one of my favorite movie franchises, this was a no-brainer for me. I got it on release day (missed the kickstarter) and sadly could not play it until a couple of days later. This release was plagued with bugs, the worst of all, not able to quickmatch. After a couple of patches I was able to play in private lobbies, which changed completely my resolve to ask for a refund (the issue was so bad that actually getting one was effortless).
This is an asymmetrical game in which one out of the 8 people playing gets randomly chosen to be Jason. There is no balance issues in my opinion (which is absolutely right always), so don't worry to feel underpowered by that maniac beast.
As a person who is very knowledgeable in horror everything, I can assert that the people making this game are real horror fans, and it shows in the amount of love put in the game. That for me sets the theme perfectly.
This is no AAA game, no big studio is responsible for this, but they managed to have some of the most popular people in the Friday the 13th franchise involved in the production of this game. From the original score composer to Tom Savini, including Kane Hodder, one of (if not THE) most important people to reprise the role of Jason Voorhes.
I won't get into much detail about the game, just google it, but let me tell you, this game is PURE FUN.
I'm going to bed every night after having two or three heart attacks. Is not the horror that will get you, it's the thrill of the chase. The cat-and-mouse game.
This game shines with a full lobby, and specially if most people have mics.
If you are lucky enough to be Jason, then you'll have the time of your life trying to get to every last one of the counselors and kill them in a large variety of very movie-like gory ways. Oh, and there's like five or six different Jasons to choose, and they are not just re-skins of the same one. Every one of them play differently, with different advantages and disadvantages.
The people making this game, IllFonic and publisher Gun Media, have been responding to fans about the crapton of issues this game has very efficiently, and as an apology for everything they are releasing at the time of the patch a new Jason, in-game credits and some skins for the counselors.
Here's their apology (I don't know how to embed anymore.)
There's a few different ways to win as a counselor:
- Repair a car and escape. Find a battery, gas and keys. There's a 4 seater and a 2 seater, so be aware not eberybody will fit inside. Pro Tip: Jason can still stop the car.
- Repair a boat and escape. Find a propeller and gas. Only two people can seat. Pro Tip: Jason can still stop the boat.
- Survive the night. Hide, run and evade, but never panick!!! AAAHHHHHHHH......
- Call the Police. Find a fuse to fix the phone and call the cops. Oh, they won't get there right away, so you are not safe yet.
- Call Tommy Jarvis. Find the radio and call Tommy, the only character in the series that pulled it off and "kill" Jason. This is pretty cool because the first person to either escape or get killed will take the role of Mr. Jarvis and come back with a shutgun. You don't really "win" by calling him, but helps a lot.
- Kill Jason. Easier said than done. It requires a few steps and coordination to do it, but it's very rewarding.
And of course, as Jason...
- Kill
- Kill
- Kill
TL;DR: Get this game, it's only $40.
Quote by Pamela Voorhes: