Archived: Forza 2 gifting cars
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Forza 2 gifting cars
07/07/10 10:53 pm | #1
Can anybody gift me some cars in Forza 2? It sucks starting with thoes lame D class cars that go about 20MPH. If anybody would like to help me, thanks!

Re: Forza 2 gifting cars
07/07/10 11:08 pm | #3
Someone will have some cars left. But the thing I hate is that if you don't play Forza all the time and have boosted cars, you can't even compete with the others online.
Re: Forza 2 gifting cars
07/08/10 1:00 am | #5
ill gift you some cars (i have a gold membership card just been to lazy to put it in) i just need a few more for having all the car ach but some of them are locked if someone else coulld help me
Re: Forza 2 gifting cars
07/09/10 9:24 am | #6
add me ill give you a few cars just hit me up sometime Ill send youa few cars. I need to play somemore anyways to get more chievo's on the game.
Re: Re: Forza 2 gifting cars
07/09/10 6:56 pm | #7
Quote by Bongo:
I have about a billion dollars in the game, so I can give you some money and you can buy what ever you want.
Ya, I'd like the money, accept I'm not sure how you can gift money... Unless you mean use your money to make whatever I need?
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