Archived: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 12:03 am | #2
Didn't other FF's come on more than 2 discs before as well? That's amazing how much content they can cram into one game!
Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 12:05 am | #3
What happend to just having 1 disc.?
Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 12:06 am | #4
Definitely looking forward to this puppy. I had no interest in 11 and my PS2 was KIA before 12 came out so I haven't played a good FF since 10.
I've been reading a few reviews here and there of the JP version and they are very mixed, as I was hoping they would be. If the reactions had been universally positive, I'd just assume it was a hype machine propelled by $$$, and if they were universally negative I'd feel like the gaming community was full of idiots and the gaming press was trying too hard to be critical.
I've been reading a few reviews here and there of the JP version and they are very mixed, as I was hoping they would be. If the reactions had been universally positive, I'd just assume it was a hype machine propelled by $$$, and if they were universally negative I'd feel like the gaming community was full of idiots and the gaming press was trying too hard to be critical.
Re: Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 12:07 am | #5
Quote by AJ:
Didn't other FF's come on more than 2 discs before as well? That's amazing how much content they can cram into one game!
FFVII was three discs, FFVIII was four I believe. Of course that was back on the PS1 days. We could fit both those games on one 360 disc probably

I love how much stuff they cram into the FF games, I have always enjoyed the CGI cutscenes.
Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 10:15 am | #7
All 3 discs look the same? Lame... I was hoping for a different character on each disc.
Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 11:18 am | #8
I don't see what the big deal is. Lost Odyssey was 4 disks, Star Ocean 3 disks, Last Remnant 2 disks, and Blue Dragon is 3 disks. No one seemed to make a big fuss when they came out, and I don't care if it was on 50 disks, I'd still play this game.
Re: Re: Final Fantasy XIII confirmed as 3 discs
02/03/10 11:23 am | #9
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
All 3 discs look the same? Lame... I was hoping for a different character on each disc.
That's probably placeholder art. I also wouldn't expect the US cover to look like that.
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