You all know what time it is: We are in the cold grasp of mid-winter. This is the time to hold your loved one close, hang with your friends by the fire, and keep warm. Tensions have been high on and off throughout last year, so what better time than February, the month of love, to promote friendship and camaraderie. With these thoughts in mind, on behalf of the staff here at XbA, I invite all new and current XboxAmerica Members to come and reconnect with your XbA brethren at the "Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tournament"
While more in-depth details will be coming as the time gets closer, I am very excited about this event and wanted to share with all of you what I could. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st at approximately 10P.M. The game will be Gears of War 2, and the gametype will be 'Wingman'. Exact rules are still being worked out.
I ask that all of those wanting to participate reply to this thread with you and your partner's name as soon as possible: Registration for the tournament will end Saturday, February 14th, as I would like to have the final rules and ladders worked out by the weekend before, giving you all a whole week to sharpen your skills.
So, bring a friend from another site, bring an XbA friend, get a personal friend to join up, or make a new friend! Nothing brings a community of people closer like chainsawing each other in half with a partner.
To Recap:
What: XbA "Bring A Friend '09 Winter Tourney"
When: Saturday, February 21st Approx. 10P.M.
Game: Gears of War 2
Gametype: 'Wingman'
Registration: Deadline to register is Saturday, February 14th. To register, reply to this thread with a partner's name and your's.