So talk amongst yourselves about those fun things in ESO and Morrowmind...
Archived: ESO and Morrowmind
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ESO and Morrowmind
06/08/17 9:25 pm | #1
Because Mo said so....
So talk amongst yourselves about those fun things in ESO and Morrowmind...
So talk amongst yourselves about those fun things in ESO and Morrowmind...
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/08/17 11:28 pm | #2
Good luck on your quest towards discussion sparker
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 5:00 am | #3
Mo, how did the armor fit? Not to snug? Did you notice a difference?
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 3:10 pm | #4
Thanks, it's really great. I am at 206 now.
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 5:13 pm | #5
wooooo let's get Bardfor his discussion sparker so he can enjoy his time in Morrowmind!

Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 8:58 pm | #6
Ok, aside from Meta - I have a question for those who actually play the game...
Werewolves. I have the chance to become one if I want. Do I go for it or not?
Werewolves. I have the chance to become one if I want. Do I go for it or not?
Re: Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 9:11 pm | #7
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Ok, aside from Meta - I have a question for those who actually play the game...
Werewolves. I have the chance to become one if I want. Do I go for it or not?
Werewolves. I have the chance to become one if I want. Do I go for it or not?
No, you need to be a Vampire for the extra magic pool.
Your skill set up for your Magplar:
Shock Staff Mainbar
Slot 1: Ritual of Retribution
Slot 2: Vampires Bane
Slot 3 Puncturing Sweeps
Slot 4: Puryfing Light
Slot 5: Inner Light
Ultimate: Destro Ultimate
Fire Staff Bar
Slot 1: Blockade of Fire
Slot 2: Blazing Spear
Slot 3: Harness Magicka
Slot 4: Radiant Oppression
Slot 5: Channeled Focus
Ultimate: Crescent Sweep
You may have to google what the pre-morphs are, I just copied and pasted from mine.
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/09/17 11:32 pm | #8
but...but.....Shadoooowwwww........ There's an achievement tied to it.........
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/10/17 2:49 am | #9
What are the advantages & disadvantages of being a werewolf or vampire in ESO?
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/10/17 3:08 am | #10
Is this a new ES thing?? Because I've heard of Morrowind, but I've never heard of Morrowmind.
Re: Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/10/17 6:36 am | #11
Quote by Meta:
What are the advantages & disadvantages of being a werewolf or vampire in ESO?
Not to many roll with Werewolf. Those that do use it for stamina recovery which they slot on their backbar. Just having it slotted there gives a good boost towards recovery. Others use it in PvP, but it isn't a smart move due to every player out there using poision. It's the werewolfs weakness.
Vast majority of people are vampires for good reason. Magic has the highest dps in the game. Being a vampire gives you a good size boost in the magic area. The other factor being that if your health drops below 30%, you get reduced damage taken. A vampires weakness is fire, but you just shield yourself and it isn't an issue at all.
TL;DR Hairy balls vs. White and twinkly
Mo, of you wanna go the hairy balls way, build yourself another character. Stam Sorcs are amazing and easy to use.
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/10/17 5:03 pm | #12
What? Are you saying there's not cure?? WTF?
Re: Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/12/17 12:49 am | #13
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
What? Are you saying there's not cure?? WTF?
Sadly, no. Did you get your skills set? Gonna start running dungeons here this week.
Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/12/17 12:54 am | #14
Re: Re: ESO and Morrowmind
06/12/17 1:45 am | #15
Ok, once again I say WTF? I thought all of the DLC was out and done.
I thought there was a cure for being a werewolf. I am glad I didn't jump on the opportunity. The "Join the Pack" quest is still in my quest list....time to abandon that one.
I will get my skills done at some point this week. Let me know when you are running dungeons. I am still not too sure about it but I would like to try it out.
I thought there was a cure for being a werewolf. I am glad I didn't jump on the opportunity. The "Join the Pack" quest is still in my quest list....time to abandon that one.
I will get my skills done at some point this week. Let me know when you are running dungeons. I am still not too sure about it but I would like to try it out.