But anyways, yesterday i was at kmart looking for cheap games, and i saw in the wii display case that there were 3 copies of epic mickey, just chillin there, so i dont know if they are the actual game or if its like a demo disc or something,
Archived: Epic Mickey at KMart?
Posted Under: Hot Deals!
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Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 1:05 pm | #1
Im not sure if this is the right place for this...
But anyways, yesterday i was at kmart looking for cheap games, and i saw in the wii display case that there were 3 copies of epic mickey, just chillin there, so i dont know if they are the actual game or if its like a demo disc or something,
But anyways, yesterday i was at kmart looking for cheap games, and i saw in the wii display case that there were 3 copies of epic mickey, just chillin there, so i dont know if they are the actual game or if its like a demo disc or something,
Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 1:25 pm | #2
Why didn't you just go and grab a ame and ask someone if it's out and that's the real game? Also, why did you come to an Xbox forum to talk about a stupid Wii game?
This thread is stupid.
This thread is stupid.
Re: Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 1:41 pm | #4
Quote by DJ Manners:
Why didn't you just go and grab a ame and ask someone if it's out and that's the real game? Also, why did you come to an Xbox forum to talk about a stupid Wii game?
This thread is stupid.
This thread is stupid.
I only put it here cuz i have no where else to ask, im not really into wii so im not a member of any fucking wii fansites or shit so fuck off
Re: Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 1:41 pm | #5
Quote by Melissa Evol:
DJ Manners has very poor manners...
Anyway, it's a preorder box. You buy it for $5, it reserves you a copy, and at the register, they print out a $15 coupon to use on a game purchase.
Anyway, it's a preorder box. You buy it for $5, it reserves you a copy, and at the register, they print out a $15 coupon to use on a game purchase.
Thanks! I was there with a couple of friends and we were confused as to why they had it

Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 2:25 pm | #7
I have a Wii, but I never talk about it here. I also play pokemon alot (which obviously has nothing to do with Xbox) and I keep it out. There's also the chance that he could have just asked a store employee, not be confused about it and go all the way home to post it on the Xbox forum. I just think this was kinda a useless thread.
Re: Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 2:42 pm | #9
Quote by Durtie:
Don't worry, theres a few Wii fans here. So its no biggie that you posted a Wii related thread at an xbox site. I myself own a Wii, Xbox 360 and a PS3. I play all of them often.
and ur still a douche bag fag lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 4:54 pm | #11
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Braz:
and ur still a douche bag fag lol
Did you and your sister ever get married like you was talking about? Its about time you make an honest woman out of her


Re: Re: Re: Epic Mickey at KMart?
10/22/10 4:58 pm | #12
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by DJ Manners:
I have a Wii, but I never talk about it here. I also play pokemon alot (which obviously has nothing to do with Xbox) and I keep it out. There's also the chance that he could have just asked a store employee, not be confused about it and go all the way home to post it on the Xbox forum. I just think this was kinda a useless thread.
I think you posting is a waste of a post...does this mean you'll stop?
I'm going to go with.... No.
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