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Archived: Entering the real world...

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Re: Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by Revelation1318:

Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
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After high school, I was going into the US Navy, so I took the 5 weeks leading up to it and just played. Oh, I had a job, I needed the spending money, I just couldn't take it seriously. It was after I got out of the service that I needed to get real...it took a few years for that to happen.

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Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Its funny that people think the world is sooooo different after high school, I graduated high school in three years and couldnt have been happier. The only thing is you better get on the ball about work. I took three years off before college and made some money moved into my own pad and then tried college. Congrats man but theres nothing to worry about.

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Re: Entering the real world...
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Yeah. I loved life after high school. I enjoyed being out on my own and away from my parents and having responsibility.

The only problem people really have trouble grasping is money. Its important to make good use of the money you have, its also important to buckle down and finish college even if it gets hard. I can assure you it is MUCH harder to go back to college later in life when you have more responsibility.

Re: Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by Minioger:

The only problem people really have trouble grasping is money. Its important to make good use of the money you have, its also important to buckle down and finish college even if it gets hard. I can assure you it is MUCH harder to go back to college later in life when you have more responsibility.

^This. Waiting till you're married with kids and working full time leaves you little time to study. It's doable, but it's a lot more hectic and frustrating if you wait too long.
Re: Re: Re: Entering the real world...

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Quote by Jennamarae:

Quote by Minioger:

The only problem people really have trouble grasping is money. Its important to make good use of the money you have, its also important to buckle down and finish college even if it gets hard. I can assure you it is MUCH harder to go back to college later in life when you have more responsibility.

^This. Waiting till you're married with kids and working full time leaves you little time to study. It's doable, but it's a lot more hectic and frustrating if you wait too long.

I'm not married, but I'm currently in a situation like this. I'm working full time, have children, and am going back to college once my girlfriend graduates from UCSB.

Life is great so far, but the only thing I regret is not going to college earlier to start a career earlier to support my family. I'm going to be around 28 years old when I actually graduate...

Edit: And the only time there is to study for classes in this lifestyle is almost never.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by blindswordsman4:

Life is great so far, but the only thing I regret is not going to college earlier to start a career earlier to support my family. I'm going to be around 28 years old when I actually graduate...

Edit: And the only time there is to study for classes in this lifestyle is almost never.

It took me three years to get my AAS (I was 25) and two years later I still have another year or two left to get my BS so I'll probably be 30 before it's finally done with. Got smart and started taking everything online so I don't have to work around my class schedule. Of course now I save it all til the weekend and then it still comes down to a choice between sleep and studying. Do what you have to though.
Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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I enlisted with about 4 months left in high school. after i got out i had 3 months until i went to boot camp. So i did some party cramming and said my good bye's. after boot camp i got like 30 days at home. (boot leave and recruiters assistance) and then off to japan they sent me. i got a swift kick in the real world ass. its nothing anyone cant handle. you just have to be smart about it.
Re: Entering the real world...
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

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i graduated high school 2 years ago and at that time, i dreaded moving on to college and having tougher classes and what not. also the fact that it was a big change. but now looking back on it, i realize that it's not all that bad, you just need to get use to your new lifestyle. the biggest thing about college IMO is learning to pick your classes wisely so you don't get screwed over and become depressed. get good teachers, work out a schedule that works for you, and take classes you'd enjoy (minus for the neccesities).

with the downsides there comes the upsides! a college schedule is a lot more flexible and free than high school. now you won't have to wake up at 6am in the morning (unless you pick your classes for such times). if you can schedule your classes and work correctly, you can have LOTS of free time to hang out with friends and game more than you could imagine.

but yeah, you'll just have to get use to the new lifestyle and challenges/responsibilities that come with it. once you get a grasp on all of that and settle down the first few months, you'll be fine.

hope that reassured you of any worries you had lol. take my advices to heart, because i'm probably the worst when it comes to dealing with change and transitioning to a new lifestyle xD
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