So does anyone have this yet? Opinions?

I am a huge fan of the Book of Enoch this is loosely based on--for those that haven't read it, it's sort of like really epic Old Testament fan fiction. Parts of it are alluded to in the "canon" Bible books Genesis and Jude, but no one seems to be able to agree whether this book is "biblical" or not, and there are scant few denominations of Christianity that actually study it.

But all that is neither here nor there. This game is an action title with a small amount of platforming, but the big deal behind it is the crazy art direction. This game is equal parts gorgeous and trippy-as-hell.

You can download the demo here if you're curious.

I was hoping to rent this until I got my next paycheck but Blockbuster didn't even get a copy SO I will buy it tomorrow and ramble a lot about it here shortly after that.