Closed: EA to close servers
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 5:59 pm | #2
OH FUCK THANK YOU!! i need def jam done!!!!
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 5:59 pm | #3
I made article about EA server shutdown some game and have not summit article yet

Re: Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 6:06 pm | #5
Quote by Unmasked Bandit:
I did a search and nothing came up. I figured people better be warned quickly so they can make plans asap.
Yeah but mini have not summit article yet it will taken while for it. I post article about 2hr ago.
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 6:06 pm | #6
can anyone please help me with def jam i have 29 ranked wins need 200
Re: Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 6:36 pm | #7
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
can anyone please help me with def jam i have 29 ranked wins need 200
I'll look to see if I Can get myself a copy and help ya out if u help me with it too. Also find out if it even boostable.
Re: Re: Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 6:45 pm | #8
Quote by orange20:
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
can anyone please help me with def jam i have 29 ranked wins need 200
I'll look to see if I Can get myself a copy and help ya out if u help me with it too. Also find out if it even boostable.
It is.I do however,believe he is boosting it with sir toco.
However,I'll snag a copy(even though AB told me not too

@OP Thanks for the heads up.
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 6:57 pm | #9
It is boostable so the more the merrier however the game is horrible and it will make you want to break your tv thank you guys and I'm very sorry for putting you guys through this game
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 7:20 pm | #10
damn... isn't def jam only a year or two old?
and they're only giving everyone a month's notice? that's shady EA. shady.
and they're only giving everyone a month's notice? that's shady EA. shady.
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 7:36 pm | #11
anyone looking to boost def jam let me know. i need all online achievements.
Re: Re: Re: Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 9:18 pm | #12
Quote by Bay:
Quote by orange20:
I'll look to see if I Can get myself a copy and help ya out if u help me with it too. Also find out if it even boostable.
It is.I do however,believe he is boosting it with sir toco.
However,I'll snag a copy(even though AB told me not too

@OP Thanks for the heads up.
I'll let u kno. I was thinking about playing it for the points but I havnt really checked the chieves yet. But I'm always willing to help out
Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 9:32 pm | #13
Oops, I just posted a whole list of Def Jam achievements in the other thread - I need to boost it as I haven't even played it, but own it, so we'll probably have to make some events sometime and do it. But I am game

Re: EA to close servers
02/16/10 9:35 pm | #14
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