Duck Dynasty: It's OK to Play

Great news everyone, I've decided to grow a beard because I've spent this Thanksgiving with Duck Dynasty! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a day as a Robertson? Well, grab a plastic tumbler of sweet tea and stifle a fart because you're about to find out.
For those who don't know the Robertson crew, they are the stars of the Duck Dynasty reality series on A&E. They produce duck calls and hunting related products. Also, for the record, I have never watched an episode, but I am aware of their existence.
You'll be playing as John Luke Robertson, earning your stripes and impressing your elders as you perform various tasks as an intern for the family company. You didn't expect them to just give you a position, did you? You're gonna have to practice your duck calling skills as you hunt, fish, and boat race your way to the top.
The game is very straightforward and easy to learn. Maps are clearly marked and vehicles are easy to control. You can even change the radio channel. Also, if you're a terrible driver and find yourself in a tight spot, the game prompts you with an option to reset your vehicle position so you can get back on the road again.
There are three types of collectibles: road signs, frogs, and hidden treasures. You won't have any difficulty with the signs or frogs as the game tells you when one is nearby. Treasures are a bit trickier because you'll need to go a little out of the way to discover these, but there are only a handful, so don't stress.
The humor is basic lowest common denominator stuff, picking boogers and such. The good news is you can skip the cutscenes if you like and the campaign is ridiculously short. I reached the full 1k with 9 hours of playtime. This could easily be done in far less time and you'll probably have reached a solid 600 gamerscore after one gaming session of a couple hours. After you breeze through the campaign, you'll want to check out the boat race tournament and shooting gallery.
The airboat races will require skill to master and luck to pull out the last couple of achievements. They have the potential to induce rage and destroy families quicker than a Cards Against Humanity game with grandma. The airboat tends to have a mind of its own at times, but that problem is compounded because other boats are constantly battering you. There is an achievement for winning a race without bumping another boat. I still don't know how I did it, but if I can do it, so can you.
There is zero replay value to this game. I would never recommended picking this up at full price or even half price unless you just have a thing for the Duck Dynasty crew. Rent it and return it. You'll be done with it before you know it. And that's a fact, Jack.