Dragon's Dogma: Pawn Recruitment Thread
06/11/12 2:20 pm | #1
Figured XBA could use it's own Pawn Recruitment thread. Dragon's Dogma allows you to recruit other peoples "Pawns" into your party as a sort of mercenary system. The pawn earns rift points and quest/enemy knowledge while it's out helping other people. Rift points are currency used to hire higher level pawns then yourself. This price can be bypassed completely if the pawn you want is owned by someone on your friends list. You won't get far in this game by yourself and the offline computer generated pawns are extremely lackluster.
So post your gamertag (If not shown) and pawn info here and lend fellow XBA members a valuable asset to thier party.
My Pawn: Post game stats (Beat game twice)
LvL 62 Ranger
It's equipped with UR-Dragon daggers and armor. Has a maxed profession rank as a Ranger and previous experience as a Strider and Warrior.
Hundred Kisses
Cutting Wind
Instant Reset
Tendfold Flurry
Comet Shot
Great Gamble