Archived: Discovered gaming word!
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 10:07 pm | #16
all good comments except AJ and people who are fat and want MY cookie and milkshake...its mine....its all mine........ha...hehe...hahaha...bwahahahaha!!!!
Re: Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 10:41 pm | #17
Quote by silencer018:
Yea Josh your double posting is starting to get a little annoying. I'm suprised no one has said anything about it yet.
I double and triple post at times.. But it generally is for a good reason. And I think I've been here long enough to have that right

Re: Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 10:51 pm | #18
Quote by silencer018:
Yea Josh your double posting is starting to get a little annoying. I'm suprised no one has said anything about it yet.
We have... He only does it so his thread gets bumped to the top again.
Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 11:15 pm | #19
shit makes me want to gauge my eyes out with a sautering iron

Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 11:22 pm | #20
:( :P :( :P=STFU YOU NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/02/10 11:30 pm | #21
Quote by J0SH:

When multiple people tell you that you suck and fail, don't you get the point?
Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/03/10 7:27 pm | #28
AJ is proof god does have a sense of humor.... someday you'll grow some balls(gay balls that is)and stop picking on kids who are better than you...just because im better doesn't mean you can pick on me..
Re: Re: Re: Discovered gaming word!
05/03/10 8:02 pm | #30
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Quote by J0SH:
AJ is proof god does have a sense of humor.... someday you'll grow some balls(gay balls that is)and stop picking on kids who are better than you...just because im better doesn't mean you can pick on me..
Josh, you can come live with me. I will let you play Halo and all the M rating games as much as your little heart desires. All I ask is that I get to claim you as a deduction on my tax return.

If he's living with anyone it's me

I say we let him decide who he loves most!! J0SH who's it gonna me Me or Top Doggy!!?
(P.S Remember all those times when we share Fries and a Milkshake? You better remember that...)