Archived: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:25 am | #31
Yea H3 was pretty terrible in every way imaginable, I forgot what the hell the point of the campaign was in like 20 minutes, didn't even realize they were still TRYING to tell some sort of story or that anyone actually cared anymore. @AJ yea I can never remember what the hell I did 12 hours ago

Re: Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:35 am | #32
Quote by Circus:
Yea H3 was pretty terrible in every way imaginable, I forgot what the hell the point of the campaign was in like 20 minutes, didn't even realize they were still TRYING to tell some sort of story or that anyone actually cared anymore. @AJ yea I can never remember what the hell I did 12 hours ago 

Re: Re: Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:36 am | #33
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Circus:
Yea H3 was pretty terrible in every way imaginable, I forgot what the hell the point of the campaign was in like 20 minutes, didn't even realize they were still TRYING to tell some sort of story or that anyone actually cared anymore. @AJ yea I can never remember what the hell I did 12 hours ago 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:45 am | #34
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
Quote by AJ:
Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:51 am | #35
Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 1:53 am | #36
Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 6:01 am | #37
Both games are gonna suck, so neither
Re: Re: Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/03/10 8:57 pm | #38
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by xGeTTiN IgNitx:
If anybody thinks gameplay wise that Dead Rising 2 is better than Reach, then you need your head checked......granted everybody is entitled to their own opinion and what they like to play/not play and because they didn't adjust the saving problem from the first Dead Rising, I won't touch it.......Reach offers more options for gamers and better graphics, plus resale value will be higher, which nobody can argue.......I guarantee I'll see 10 used copies of Dead Rising 2 at Game Stop before I see one Reach........therefore purchase Reach, max it out and turn it in for a used copy of DR2; you win because then you play both games....

Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/12/10 9:21 pm | #39
I think Halo just because of competitive multiplayer.
Re: Dead Rising 2 Or Halo Reach?
09/13/10 9:38 pm | #40
Both are really good looking games but Dead Rising 2 will mostly have value in its single player and Halo:Reach has good campaign and good multiplayer. I would go with Halo:Reach