Archived: Dark Tranquillity: Fiction [Touring Edition] review
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Dark Tranquillity: Fiction [Touring Edition] review
05/04/10 3:14 pm | #1
i picked up Fiction [Touring Edition] by Dark Tranquillity a couple of weeks ago from Shockhound, and i must say, this is a GREAT ALBUM. i had only heard of Terminous (Where Death is Most Alive) off the album, which made me get it in the first place, but i had no clue it would be insanely epic. the first 4 songs, Nothing to No One, The Lesser Faith, Terminous (Where Death is Most Alive), and Blind at Heart, were enough to keep my jaw on the floor. Terminous was this breed of Industrial Metal that isnt very focused on very much, but has so much badass infused into in it. i tag it with either Cyber Metal or Future Metal, due to the fact that while it obviously is death metal, the synth in it is so powerful, it deserves its own genre. which makes me think of the future(robotic almost). the other song that impressed me a lot was The Mundane and the Magic, a very melodic and dark song. not to say the rest of the album was unimportant, they're all worthy of listen, they're just 4 star songs. if you are into melodic death metal with a hint of doom, pick up this album. it gets a 4/5.
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