if you copyright something, the copyright lasts your life span +70 years, then it goes to the public domain for anyone to use. currently in the public domain? not Happy Birthday, although the original composers of that song are long dead. but Time Warner still owns the rights, which means it wont ever go to public domain, unless Warner goes under. fat chance. another flaw of Copyright is the patent system. if someone patents a huge block of genes to isolate the cure for cancer, guess who cant use it? NOBODY but the patent holder! our medical field would move forward so fast if the patent system would be revised. say you found the cure for cancer. well like i said, if someone patented a main strain of genes that holds your theory up, your fucked! you cant use it.
there is so much more you can learn that i hardly talked about(i didnt want to burn your eyes more) so feel free to netflix the movie or any other way you want to get ahold of it. RiP: A Remix Manifesto
if you know your a copyright infringer, dont be ashamed. we all need to fight this. we need to force the government to conform to this new era where people expand upon others ideas, without being forced to wait until someone kicks the bucket, or a corporation goes under. take a picture of yourself with this sign and post it!