Archived: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
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Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 2:59 am | #76
I made it to level 40 and remembered why I stopped playing this game. It's boring and I'm not spending my points on some bogus new maps.
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 1:02 pm | #77
Ugh, it sucks so bad right now that my game has been freezing on me A LOT. It seems that it freezes right after I finish a match. Just happened like a second ago and its like the 10th time its happened this weekend already.
Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 1:10 pm | #78
Quote by xMike:
Ugh, it sucks so bad right now that my game has been freezing on me A LOT. It seems that it freezes right after I finish a match. Just happened like a second ago and its like the 10th time its happened this weekend already.

Re: Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 4:31 pm | #80
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by xMike:
Ugh, it sucks so bad right now that my game has been freezing on me A LOT. It seems that it freezes right after I finish a match. Just happened like a second ago and its like the 10th time its happened this weekend already.
Same thing would happen to me in MW2. I would complete a game and it will freeze on the scoreboard. So I would have to dashboard out. The only difference is, it would do it every match. I couldn't level up for a month straight.
Yeah, ik man. It's extremely annoying, the worst part for me though is that I can't dashboard out, I have to restart my console. And btw it just happened for the 11th time, this is really getting annoying.

Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 5:18 pm | #81
Quote by Ralph The Rogue:
I made it to level 40 and remembered why I stopped playing this game. It's boring and I'm not spending my points on some bogus new maps.
Yeah its way too slow sometimes. Thats why I go to the highest traffic areas and hold them down.
Ghost shouldnt be in the game
Re: Re: Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 5:21 pm | #83
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Detroit:
Yeah its way too slow sometimes. Thats why I go to the highest traffic areas and hold them down.
Ghost shouldnt be in the game
Last stand shouldn't be in the game. When you get two hit markers in hardcore, then have to shoot them again when there down, fuck that.
It should be called, "you're invincible while falling to the ground until you get at least 2 shots off".
Re: Re: Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 5:33 pm | #84
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Detroit:
Yeah its way too slow sometimes. Thats why I go to the highest traffic areas and hold them down.
Ghost shouldnt be in the game
Last stand shouldn't be in the game. When you get two hit markers in hardcore, then have to shoot them again when there down, fuck that.
I dont mind last stand. Since you get the kill no matter what (unless they have Pro, and they get revived).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/05/11 5:36 pm | #85
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Durtie:
Last stand shouldn't be in the game. When you get two hit markers in hardcore, then have to shoot them again when there down, fuck that.
I dont mind last stand. Since you get the kill no matter what (unless they have Pro, and they get revived).
It's still pretty fucking gay. In cod4 it was alright because by the time you got your shot lined up you were already dead, but these later games where it lasts 20 minutes, just ridiculous.
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/06/11 12:11 pm | #86
I leveled maybe once and got bored playing the game. Didn't seem like I was getting double points for anything except on Domination with 300 points a capture instead of 150. I was getting the normal (for me anyways) amount of points I usually get per match. I usually get anywhere between 8,000 and 15,000 per match and that's exactly what I got yesterday.
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/06/11 2:04 pm | #87
So this is over, right?
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/06/11 2:10 pm | #88
I think it ends tonight
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/06/11 2:16 pm | #89
Ends monday morning
Re: COD Black Ops Double Xp Weekend
02/06/11 2:19 pm | #90
Oh, nice. I better get some matches in before the game in a couple hours.