Closed: Brink
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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02/08/11 7:59 pm | #1
i've been wondering about the game Brink. its set to release in may and it looks pretty good. the developing SMART system they are designing sounds pretty useful and nice. the customization options for your character and weapons looks nice as well. i was just curious to to know what other people were thinking about this game.

Re: Brink
02/08/11 8:05 pm | #2
Bulletstorm + Borderlands + Team Fortress 2 = Brink
just looked at some of the vids on the main website for it, looks nice. might get that when may comes around. im sure my bulletstorm love will have simmered long enough for me to look at other games by then xD
also, for anyone whos curious, here is a link to all the videos of the game, so you can check it out for yourself
just looked at some of the vids on the main website for it, looks nice. might get that when may comes around. im sure my bulletstorm love will have simmered long enough for me to look at other games by then xD
also, for anyone whos curious, here is a link to all the videos of the game, so you can check it out for yourself
Re: Brink
02/08/11 8:33 pm | #3
Re: Re: Brink
02/08/11 8:34 pm | #4
Quote by AJ:
aj honestly i think a lot of people would prefer him make a new thread then necro threads from almost a year ago (one is like from june, the other july..) so i think this time its ok...
Re: Brink
02/08/11 8:39 pm | #5
Unless they're archived, what's the point of making a 3rd thread for the same game? Just because the threads are old it's time for a new one?
Re: Re: Brink
02/08/11 8:45 pm | #6
Quote by AJ:
Unless they're archived, what's the point of making a 3rd thread for the same game? Just because the threads are old it's time for a new one?
not necessarily, but i mean you know how some people get on this forum over necro'd threads. i mean yea now we have the archive thing, so i mean that does help cut down on it, but still. besides, its not like its the 3958209280th thread, and its not like the other threads had THAT many replies. if there was other w/ multiple pages, i could see you makin a deal about it...but neither other thread broke 2 pages...one barely even broke 1/2 a page...
besides, i know adam (axeman) personally, and he doesnt seem like one to go on forums often so i mean he didnt really know about it...and theres also the fact that even if he did know, he prolly wouldnt remember nor care to use it anyways so....yea
on topic, just saw the vid about the "SMART" system...sounds interesting, altho also quite the challenge as some other games have tried that and it can really make or break the overall fun-factor in a game. a game like mirrors edge had it down pact, for the most part. lets see if brink can pull it off too
Re: Brink
02/09/11 3:38 pm | #7
New is better anyway.
Re: Brink
02/09/11 5:27 pm | #8
i agree with taco. i really don't care if this has been posted twice before, because i just started using xba and am not going to waste tiem going through every forum ever posted. i don't care that much.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
Re: Re: Brink
02/09/11 5:36 pm | #9
i agree with taco. i really don't care if this has been posted twice before, because i just started using xba and am not going to waste tiem going through every forum ever posted. i don't care that much.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
What do you think the SEARCH BAR is for?
Re: Re: Re: Brink
02/09/11 5:40 pm | #11
Quote by AJ:
i agree with taco. i really don't care if this has been posted twice before, because i just started using xba and am not going to waste tiem going through every forum ever posted. i don't care that much.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
and on the subject of brink, the SMART system looks nice but it will definitely decide the fate of this game. and the games customization system looks amazing. i'm a huge fan of customizing games. especially weapon systems as well as your playable character.
What do you think the SEARCH BAR is for?
what part of "i really don't care" do you NOT understand? he obviously doesnt give the slightest FUCK about the stupid search bar or we wouldve used it, dipshit.
aj i understand youre trying to get people to use it more....but one, HE SAYS HE DOESNT CARE. and i know thered be even MORE people bitching about him necro'ing a thread, rather then a dupe!
on topic, awesome customization is awesome. hoping for a really awesome game out of this. hopin that SMART system thing will work nicely
Re: Brink
02/09/11 6:44 pm | #12
If people don't give a fuck about the search bar then why the fuck do we even have a search bar?
Besides, I don't think a lot of people would have cared if he necro'ed an older thread because the game is set to come out soon, it would have been a legitimate reason to necro an older thread. Hell, I necro'ed an older R6V2 thread and no one said anything to me about it. Now if he necro'ed a random thread just because he wanted to add his two cents, then I can see people necro'ing him for it, which I think is stupid. But then again, at least there isn't but two other threads to this game, it's not like there is 5,369 threads to Brink like there are to the freaking COD games ( /facepalm )
I think this is more of a grey area to this subject, it would have been nice to see him use the search bar and use one of the previously made threads, but I don't think there is any harm in making a new thread.
But in the future, now that you know of the search bar, please use it
But back on topic, I heard a little bit about this game but not too much. Thanks for the link taco, I'ma look up some videos to it. Is this game just an MP game or is it something that has a story with a strong MP experience? Either way I think I might pick it up, might be later in the game since Bulletstorm and TDU2 has came out, but I will be picking it up.
Besides, I don't think a lot of people would have cared if he necro'ed an older thread because the game is set to come out soon, it would have been a legitimate reason to necro an older thread. Hell, I necro'ed an older R6V2 thread and no one said anything to me about it. Now if he necro'ed a random thread just because he wanted to add his two cents, then I can see people necro'ing him for it, which I think is stupid. But then again, at least there isn't but two other threads to this game, it's not like there is 5,369 threads to Brink like there are to the freaking COD games ( /facepalm )
I think this is more of a grey area to this subject, it would have been nice to see him use the search bar and use one of the previously made threads, but I don't think there is any harm in making a new thread.
But in the future, now that you know of the search bar, please use it
But back on topic, I heard a little bit about this game but not too much. Thanks for the link taco, I'ma look up some videos to it. Is this game just an MP game or is it something that has a story with a strong MP experience? Either way I think I might pick it up, might be later in the game since Bulletstorm and TDU2 has came out, but I will be picking it up.
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