Archived: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 8:08 pm | #2
I think its a novel idea, but I wonder the practicality of it. I mean I consider myself a booster, but I don't like to boost with just anyone. I have also boosted with my share of d-bags who are only interested in his/her achievements and then screws you by leaving.
I'm not against the site I just wonder how they would encourage members to be "good" boosters. I would rather boost with my friends who I know won't screw me in the long run. I have purchased (and my friends have purchased) several games just to help each other out. I guess since that works for me I'm going to stick with it
I'm not against the site I just wonder how they would encourage members to be "good" boosters. I would rather boost with my friends who I know won't screw me in the long run. I have purchased (and my friends have purchased) several games just to help each other out. I guess since that works for me I'm going to stick with it

Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 8:24 pm | #3
Interesting site, I may give it a go.
Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 8:27 pm | #4
Quote by Minioger:
I think its a novel idea, but I wonder the practicality of it. I mean I consider myself a booster, but I don't like to boost with just anyone. I have also boosted with my share of d-bags who are only interested in his/her achievements and then screws you by leaving. I'm not against the site I just wonder how they would encourage members to be "good" boosters. I would rather boost with my friends who I know won't screw me in the long run. I have purchased (and my friends have purchased) several games just to help each other out. I guess since that works for me I'm going to stick with it 

Re: Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 8:35 pm | #5
Quote by MisaaAmane:
Quote by Minioger:
I think its a novel idea, but I wonder the practicality of it. I mean I consider myself a booster, but I don't like to boost with just anyone. I have also boosted with my share of d-bags who are only interested in his/her achievements and then screws you by leaving. I'm not against the site I just wonder how they would encourage members to be "good" boosters. I would rather boost with my friends who I know won't screw me in the long run. I have purchased (and my friends have purchased) several games just to help each other out. I guess since that works for me I'm going to stick with it 

I don't doubt that once someone is considered an "established" member that they would be considered trustworthy. I just know through my own experiences that there are plenty of people out there who don't care if they are labeled as a "bad" booster because there isn't any good way to get that information out there without badmouthing them on forums - which is frequently not allowed, or in my case I just don't feel like doing.
I know has a simple system in place now which I am partial to - basically all the boosters in a session can be rated as good, bad or neutral and it affects a score on his/her page. But like I said I have good friends who boost with me so I have only really been involved in a couple boosting sessions on the site.
Not slamming the site mind you just suggesting you might want to give some sort of rating system for members. The number of posts a person makes won't always be a good gauge for reliability

Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 8:39 pm | #6
No, I know, I agree that there is really no effective way to make sure every one knows that some one is not a trustworthy booster, and we have thought about the rating system, but as far as I know the consensus has not been reached yet ;p
No, I know, I agree that there is really no effective way to make sure every one knows that some one is not a trustworthy booster, and we have thought about the rating system, but as far as I know the consensus has not been reached yet ;p
Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 10:20 pm | #7
neat idea, but i'm not the type to boost lol. i'm not really that crazy about achievements altogether anymore either xD i play games, get the achievements that come along the way, the ones that are fun to get, and the ones that are easy to get. i only go out of my way for games that i really really like.
i probably boosted once, which was Borderlands, but half the reason was because i wanted someone to try co-op with lol
i probably boosted once, which was Borderlands, but half the reason was because i wanted someone to try co-op with lol
Re: Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 10:36 pm | #8
Quote by MisaaAmane:
ahhhh there's the face behind the random message!
this site is a booster's wet dream if you ask me. if that isn't enough, the community is very close. these people got me "seriously." others are helping me complete cod3. i get the whole package here.
i'm not trying to bash your site, and i might consider using it in the future if noone here wants to boost a game i want to complete, but at this point i'm totally satisfied with XBA.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 10:50 pm | #10
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
Also, I noticed on the boosting society forums... it seems a good number of the members are English...
see.... i hate to sound racist... but yeah. i don't get along with the english, lol.
Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 10:52 pm | #11
I did join the site, I'm never against having another option for boosting. I have another suggestion.
In my many many boosting sessions I have found out that there are many types of boosters. Some are very casual who like to goof off while boosting and get bored fairly easily. Then there are those "hardcore" boosters who will flip out if you so much as do one chainsaw kill in GoW1 because it wasted like 2 seconds instead of using the shotgun. Maybe a self rating on what type of booster you are? I would call myself somewhere in between, I'm not an ass who will yell at people but if you goof off too much (or say shoot me and my partner in the middle of AoT boosting when we are getting the higher dollar amount) I will get mad - maybe not say anything but I sure as heck won't want to boost with that person anymore.
Just a thought. Good luck with the site!
In my many many boosting sessions I have found out that there are many types of boosters. Some are very casual who like to goof off while boosting and get bored fairly easily. Then there are those "hardcore" boosters who will flip out if you so much as do one chainsaw kill in GoW1 because it wasted like 2 seconds instead of using the shotgun. Maybe a self rating on what type of booster you are? I would call myself somewhere in between, I'm not an ass who will yell at people but if you goof off too much (or say shoot me and my partner in the middle of AoT boosting when we are getting the higher dollar amount) I will get mad - maybe not say anything but I sure as heck won't want to boost with that person anymore.
Just a thought. Good luck with the site!

Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 11:02 pm | #12
that's perfectly fine that most already have their set boosting ways.
the important thing is: people know we're there, people are welcomed to join, if that is something they want ;p
that's perfectly fine that most already have their set boosting ways.
the important thing is: people know we're there, people are welcomed to join, if that is something they want ;p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 11:08 pm | #13
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
Also, I noticed on the boosting society forums... it seems a good number of the members are English...
see.... i hate to sound racist... but yeah. i don't get along with the english, lol.
LOLOL! Best thing I've ever seen Noah say, hands down.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/07/10 11:11 pm | #14
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Noah 9000:
see.... i hate to sound racist... but yeah. i don't get along with the english, lol.
LOLOL! Best thing I've ever seen Noah say, hands down.
what about my epic pot pie skills? huh? HUH?

Re: Boosting Society - Feedback ?
03/08/10 7:34 am | #15
Hey guys. I'm a moderator on the aforementioned site, and it would be great if you could all join.
Whilst the rules and such as ever changing, as we are just a fledgling site, I can assure you it is and will be an excellent place to find boosters. If boosters are found to be rather, how do I put this politely? Shitty. Then they will be warned. Consistent bad behaviour and they will get permabans. We don't want the kind of boosters that are 30 minutes late, or the ones that go AFK randomly etc.
So, don't join if you don't want to, but what's the harm? We have some great members already (Misa included) and some great discussions going on, as well as you know? Boosting!
Whilst the rules and such as ever changing, as we are just a fledgling site, I can assure you it is and will be an excellent place to find boosters. If boosters are found to be rather, how do I put this politely? Shitty. Then they will be warned. Consistent bad behaviour and they will get permabans. We don't want the kind of boosters that are 30 minutes late, or the ones that go AFK randomly etc.
So, don't join if you don't want to, but what's the harm? We have some great members already (Misa included) and some great discussions going on, as well as you know? Boosting!