Closed: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
Posted Under: Gaming
Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 5:52 pm | #1
Whats with all the boosters and hackers on Modern Warfare 2 these days its starting to make me mad. why in gods name would someone do that on a video game?takes fun right outta of it
Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 5:56 pm | #2
There's already like 10 threads for this game and probably 3 for this. Please use the search feature before making a thread.
Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 6:03 pm | #3
@aj - dont yell at him hes just a carebear...he dun know any better...even tho youre right but still >.>
i cant comment on boosters as ive done a lil bit of boosting in my mw2 days...but mainly for like REALLY hard stuff like an EMP and FMJ kills...hackers are sometimes funny w/ some of the things they figure out how to do. sometimes its like ehhh wth u doin but sometimes its like LOOOOOL look at that guy xD
i cant comment on boosters as ive done a lil bit of boosting in my mw2 days...but mainly for like REALLY hard stuff like an EMP and FMJ kills...hackers are sometimes funny w/ some of the things they figure out how to do. sometimes its like ehhh wth u doin but sometimes its like LOOOOOL look at that guy xD
Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:29 pm | #5
Like the super speed glitch. That was a laugh

Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:32 pm | #6
just so you know... 90% of xba members are boosters. 
i made that up... but there's a lot of us.
haxxors fail though.

i made that up... but there's a lot of us.
haxxors fail though.
Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:36 pm | #7
Quote by AJ:
There's already like 10 threads for this game and probably 3 for this. Please use the search feature before making a thread.
what the damn big deal.... get over it.... creating threads is what this site is for... creating discussion... you need to just ignore the thread if its a repeat
Re: Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:40 pm | #8
Quote by Assualt Maniac:
Quote by AJ:
There's already like 10 threads for this game and probably 3 for this. Please use the search feature before making a thread.
what the damn big deal.... get over it.... creating threads is what this site is for... creating discussion... you need to just ignore the thread if its a repeat
I'd congratulate you for what you just said.. but they're watching me... all.. the.. time..
Re: Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:42 pm | #9
Quote by Assualt Maniac:
Quote by AJ:
There's already like 10 threads for this game and probably 3 for this. Please use the search feature before making a thread.
what the damn big deal.... get over it.... creating threads is what this site is for... creating discussion... you need to just ignore the thread if its a repeat
The 'damn big deal' is that you haven't been here long and you need to learn how forums work.
Go here.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:45 pm | #10
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Assualt Maniac:
what the damn big deal.... get over it.... creating threads is what this site is for... creating discussion... you need to just ignore the thread if its a repeat
The 'damn big deal' is that you haven't been here long and you need to learn how forums work.
Go here.
i just think your making to big of a deal of it... does it hurt your little heart? just ignore it
Re: Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:51 pm | #12
Quote by Assualt Maniac:
Quote by AJ:
There's already like 10 threads for this game and probably 3 for this. Please use the search feature before making a thread.
what the damn big deal.... get over it.... creating threads is what this site is for... creating discussion... you need to just ignore the thread if its a repeat
I don't know why some people get upset when someone creates a thread similar to another one. Some people are just uptight bitches I guess...

Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:51 pm | #13
Quote by Durtie:
I know it seems rude to yell at every carebear that makes a repeat thread. But we do have rules when it comes to these things. XbA is all about discussion, but if you have something to say, just search for it first, then comment in a thread thats already been made. Cause think of the confusion a carebear would have when he searches MW2 threads and sees 8000 pages come up, he won't know which one to post in. I know AJ can come off as aggresive, but it is around the first of the month (thats when he gets his period). But we would appreciate it if you would search first. If you do that, you will become a beloved member of the site.
i agree somewhat.... but i just cant stand whining bitches
Re: Re: Boosters!!oh and HACKERS!!
01/04/10 7:53 pm | #14
Quote by Durtie:
I know it seems rude to yell at every carebear that makes a repeat thread. But we do have rules when it comes to these things. XbA is all about discussion, but if you have something to say, just search for it first, then comment in a thread thats already been made. Cause think of the confusion a carebear would have when he searches MW2 threads and sees 8000 pages come up, he won't know which one to post in. I know AJ can come off as aggresive, but it is around the first of the month (thats when he gets his period). But we would appreciate it if you would search first. If you do that, you will become a beloved member of the site.