Archived: Barret vs Interventon
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/25/10 12:09 pm | #31
I use the Intervention when I want to quick scope and Barret for when I camp.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/25/10 10:59 pm | #32
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Ralph The Rogue:
Obviously, I'm talking about fantasy-land video games. How many of you mooks have actually held and/or shot any of the 4 sniper rifles mentioned by the original poster? Personally, I'd like to see them add the .416 Barrett 82A1R in the next MW game. All the terminal performance with less recoil and in semi-auto for faster follow up shots.

Speaking of holding cool in game stuff in real life, I got my hands on an ACR this morning. It was really nice, but $2300 seemed a bit much spend. MW2 got me interested, but that price tag brought me right back to reality.
I've shot 2 of 4! The Intervention and .50 Cal. .Cal has almost zero kick if it's on the ground with a bi-pod and you have it snug up against your shoulder.
i wish i could have shot one, but i dont think theyd let a 15 year old shoot either of those xD or i would shoot one just because.
but aj, id love to see you take it off the bipod and then tell us how that recoil is xD thatd be interesting
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/25/10 11:31 pm | #33
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
I've shot 2 of 4! The Intervention and .50 Cal. .Cal has almost zero kick if it's on the ground with a bi-pod and you have it snug up against your shoulder.
i wish i could have shot one, but i dont think theyd let a 15 year old shoot either of those xD or i would shoot one just because.
but aj, id love to see you take it off the bipod and then tell us how that recoil is xD thatd be interesting
Lol, the the instructor wouldn't even do it to demonstrate so I doubt he'd let anyone in the class, lol.
Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/26/10 12:31 am | #34
Quote by Ralph The Rogue:
Neither cause sniping is for pussies.
i couldnt agree more! but yeah only in videogames though. IRL(in real life) snipers are bad ass! but if i had to pick id say intervention for its damage. then .50cal, then EBR, then WA.
Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/26/10 11:41 am | #35
Quote by BLuRZie:
Quote by Ralph The Rogue:
Neither cause sniping is for pussies.
i couldnt agree more! but yeah only in videogames though. IRL(in real life) snipers are bad ass! but if i had to pick id say intervention for its damage. then .50cal, then EBR, then WA.
.50 cal has more power then an intervention, js. it just has more recoil/kickback and wont shoot as accurate and far as the intervention.
and aj, thats pretty lame but that shows you its got some major kick xD
Re: Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/26/10 11:43 am | #36
Quote by Taco:
Quote by BLuRZie:
i couldnt agree more! but yeah only in videogames though. IRL(in real life) snipers are bad ass! but if i had to pick id say intervention for its damage. then .50cal, then EBR, then WA.
.50 cal has more power then an intervention, js. it just has more recoil/kickback and wont shoot as accurate and far as the intervention.
and aj, thats pretty lame but that shows you its got some major kick xD
Well, my instructor was a dude that weighed about 145 pounds and was like 5'5", lol. I don't think he'd be able to handle.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
07/26/10 11:55 am | #37
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Taco:
.50 cal has more power then an intervention, js. it just has more recoil/kickback and wont shoot as accurate and far as the intervention.
and aj, thats pretty lame but that shows you its got some major kick xD
Well, my instructor was a dude that weighed about 145 pounds and was like 5'5", lol. I don't think he'd be able to handle.
oh...yeaa he prolly knows better then to fuck w/ a .50 cal when hes that size xD
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/01/10 11:50 am | #38
I'm 15 and I could have shot a.50 cal. Alls you need is a firearms license. Which I do because i hunt. And I must agree that a.416 barret would be sweet.. But I'd rather have a .416 rouger 

Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 3:09 pm | #39
<embed swliveconnect="true" allowscriptaccess="samedomain" width="424" height="76" src="" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed>
Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 3:51 pm | #40
M95 SNIPER FTW!!!! ima bad company 2 nerd. XD :baffled:
Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 7:56 pm | #41
Quote by ThaHappyPanda:
M95 SNIPER FTW!!!! ima bad company 2 nerd. XD 

that game is as trash as mw2. but the m95 wasnt so bad...just kinda a pain in the ass to try to use
Re: Re: Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 8:01 pm | #42
Quote by Taco:
Quote by ThaHappyPanda:
M95 SNIPER FTW!!!! ima bad company 2 nerd. XD 

that game is as trash as mw2. but the m95 wasnt so bad...just kinda a pain in the ass to try to use
Just wondering, Taco.
How come you thought it was just as trash as MW2

Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 8:29 pm | #43
well you all know the longest recorded shot on a live target was from the .50 cal
and as for the wa vs. the m21 the wa is way to bulky takes up half my screen
so i would choose the m21 i would rather have a bolt action weapon just not the intervention and i to hard scope the only time i no scope or quick scope is when someone steals my kill so i t.k. why not talk about how ghey all those deathstreaks are and last stand and why dont they fix the stupid silencer glitch on the m9 and mg4, not to mention there will probably be no more new maps thanks to the tards (treyarch) winning the battle against infinity ward and personally i think bc2 is a little more realistic than mw2 with the bullets falling instead of having a pistol kill you 5 light years away in mw2
srry for how bulky that is
and as for the wa vs. the m21 the wa is way to bulky takes up half my screen
so i would choose the m21 i would rather have a bolt action weapon just not the intervention and i to hard scope the only time i no scope or quick scope is when someone steals my kill so i t.k. why not talk about how ghey all those deathstreaks are and last stand and why dont they fix the stupid silencer glitch on the m9 and mg4, not to mention there will probably be no more new maps thanks to the tards (treyarch) winning the battle against infinity ward and personally i think bc2 is a little more realistic than mw2 with the bullets falling instead of having a pistol kill you 5 light years away in mw2
srry for how bulky that is
Re: Barret vs Interventon
08/04/10 8:39 pm | #45
cause we all know people online can talk trash when they suck harder than a guy with no arms(me sometimes when playing with a team of people who cant see or playing with spawn lockers or even noobs with famas's omg i hate that gun any three round burst weapon god i like to rant srry for this ppl)