Archived: Avatars
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 11:59 pm | #16
lol u spelled sentences wrong

Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 12:04 am | #17
Quote by A Silent Circus:
lol u spelled sentences wrong 

pfft...At least it's readable!!!
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 12:12 am | #18
agreed, its even numbered for easy deciphering.
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 12:14 am | #19
Why do you want a avatar?
Re: Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 1:28 am | #20
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by jroo505:
BAsically make a avatar like microsoft made but for the website just as 360 has u can cloth it and like move em but also i had another thread about having the 10 day or whatever awards make points that u could spend on ur avatar not real money sillies much clearer sorry i dont speak clear enough for some people idk why and 4 threads = 10 mins sorry i was just thinking about lots of stuff as i was on gamestop and my ADHD AND ADD kicked in lol
WHAT THE FUCK HAS PUNCTUATION EVER DONE TO YOU????????? WHY DO YOU HATE IT SO MUCH???????????????????????????????????????????
You don't talk like that. You don't. No one does. You wouldn't walk up to your friends and say "Hey guys I was thinking about this thing where we could do this other thing and what do you think about that because the sky is blue hey is that a monkey why do monkeys eat bananas anyway and throw their poop why don't they throw their bananas and eat poop have you eaten poop before I have it tasted like bananas so tell me what you think about my idea"
I think you need to remember WE ARE NOT IN YOUR HEAD. Just because you're thinking it doesn't mean everyone else knows what you're talking about. Lay off the indefinite articles, and work on ACTUALLY explaining yourself. And stop blaming ADD for being retarded. Plenty of people have ADD and can control themselves ON THE INTERNET.
its true. i have ADD (actually, HAD ADD, im pretty sure i can drink monsters....seeing as i do 4 everyday and not bounce off the fucking walls.) but i had it and im okay. i get mad ADD where if i see something dumb, i talk about it in threads..........wait a sec! im doing it now!

Re: Avatars
05/17/10 1:36 am | #21
do you speak a foreign language? are you using an online translator?
are you American, English being your first language but you are just completely fucking retarded?
are you American, English being your first language but you are just completely fucking retarded?
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 1:40 am | #22
officially according to Nick we are, in fact, assholes. do i really have to go into the Team America: World Police joke about being dicks, assholes, or pussies? because i totally will.
Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 1:47 am | #23
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
officially according to Nick we are, in fact, assholes. do i really have to go into the Team America: World Police joke about being dicks, assholes, or pussies? because i totally will.
the way this guy types seems like he is typing into an online translator. I took Afrikaans and Russian in college and when you type into an online translator you lose the ability to convey a clear, and concise message.
my comment had nothing to do with nationality, i was wondering if he is really from N.C. (is he American) and just fucking stupid, or if he was by chance a foreigner (there are A LOT of people who lie about there location to get on our leaderboard) and is using an online translator service.
so I don't know where you got the impression that I was implying Americans are assholes?
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 1:49 am | #24
Prolly not!
05/17/10 2:00 am | #25
too bad! people need to know that we're not assholes. we're dicks. to this kid. who's a pussy.
lmao. if you REALLY look into this, it tells a lot about this site.......
Quote by Team America: World Police:
Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
lmao. if you REALLY look into this, it tells a lot about this site.......
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 6:52 am | #26
Ok i did not mean to put a big thread for other stuff u guys like the idea or no its simple or explain in a thread how come u dont like it this is getting kinda out of hand and i just made a general statment and everyone just adds on please message me if u wanna say something but think about the thread
Re: Avatars
05/17/10 8:41 am | #27
There is no need to have any Avatars on the website. If we want Avatars on the site, just use the MGC gamer tag bar creator(Like you have). I mean seriously, I can just show my Avatar off just through my sig, I don't need anymore Avatars. Spending Gamer points on Avatars for the site? Just no, that would fail because it wouldn't work. It would also cost quite a bit of money which we can spend on something more significant.
Also, I have ADHD, ADD, and Aspergers, but I type just fine, Thank You Very Much. I hate people who do stupid things and then automatically blame it on their disability, when they CAN get through it! "Oh, I can do this and get away with it, the reason is because I have ADHD, so I get special treatment, unlike you normal guys, I DESERVE the special treatment!" I HATE people like that, they just think they can get away with ANYTHING because of a disability. Unless you have a LEARNING Disability, learn to type, learn your punctuation, and just PLEASE stop posting a huge wall without punctuations. I mean, it's all one big run on sentence. Have you ever taken English class? I think you should ask a teacher to help.
Glad I got that off my chest, sorry, but I just had enough of people doing the stupid things they do by blaming their disabilities. The only ones I let past blaming a disability is if it's a learning disability, which my mother has. I help her type out her e-mails because she doesn't know how to spell very well, which I can completely understand and feel helpful about, because she has a LEARNING disability. The only time you can get excused for doing bad at something like "Bad Grammar" or "Bad At Math" Is if you have a learning disability. NO other Disability should keep you from learning bad grammar.
Also, I have ADHD, ADD, and Aspergers, but I type just fine, Thank You Very Much. I hate people who do stupid things and then automatically blame it on their disability, when they CAN get through it! "Oh, I can do this and get away with it, the reason is because I have ADHD, so I get special treatment, unlike you normal guys, I DESERVE the special treatment!" I HATE people like that, they just think they can get away with ANYTHING because of a disability. Unless you have a LEARNING Disability, learn to type, learn your punctuation, and just PLEASE stop posting a huge wall without punctuations. I mean, it's all one big run on sentence. Have you ever taken English class? I think you should ask a teacher to help.
Glad I got that off my chest, sorry, but I just had enough of people doing the stupid things they do by blaming their disabilities. The only ones I let past blaming a disability is if it's a learning disability, which my mother has. I help her type out her e-mails because she doesn't know how to spell very well, which I can completely understand and feel helpful about, because she has a LEARNING disability. The only time you can get excused for doing bad at something like "Bad Grammar" or "Bad At Math" Is if you have a learning disability. NO other Disability should keep you from learning bad grammar.
Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 10:09 am | #28
Quote by Xtreme Nights:
There is no need to have any Avatars on the website. If we want Avatars on the site, just use the MGC gamer tag bar creator(Like you have). I mean seriously, I can just show my Avatar off just through my sig, I don't need anymore Avatars. Spending Gamer points on Avatars for the site? Just no, that would fail because it wouldn't work. It would also cost quite a bit of money which we can spend on something more significant.
Also, I have ADHD, ADD, and Aspergers, but I type just fine, Thank You Very Much. I hate people who do stupid things and then automatically blame it on their disability, when they CAN get through it! "Oh, I can do this and get away with it, the reason is because I have ADHD, so I get special treatment, unlike you normal guys, I DESERVE the special treatment!" I HATE people like that, they just think they can get away with ANYTHING because of a disability. Unless you have a LEARNING Disability, learn to type, learn your punctuation, and just PLEASE stop posting a huge wall without punctuations. I mean, it's all one big run on sentence. Have you ever taken English class? I think you should ask a teacher to help.
Glad I got that off my chest, sorry, but I just had enough of people doing the stupid things they do by blaming their disabilities. The only ones I let past blaming a disability is if it's a learning disability, which my mother has. I help her type out her e-mails because she doesn't know how to spell very well, which I can completely understand and feel helpful about, because she has a LEARNING disability. The only time you can get excused for doing bad at something like "Bad Grammar" or "Bad At Math" Is if you have a learning disability. NO other Disability should keep you from learning bad grammar.
Also, I have ADHD, ADD, and Aspergers, but I type just fine, Thank You Very Much. I hate people who do stupid things and then automatically blame it on their disability, when they CAN get through it! "Oh, I can do this and get away with it, the reason is because I have ADHD, so I get special treatment, unlike you normal guys, I DESERVE the special treatment!" I HATE people like that, they just think they can get away with ANYTHING because of a disability. Unless you have a LEARNING Disability, learn to type, learn your punctuation, and just PLEASE stop posting a huge wall without punctuations. I mean, it's all one big run on sentence. Have you ever taken English class? I think you should ask a teacher to help.
Glad I got that off my chest, sorry, but I just had enough of people doing the stupid things they do by blaming their disabilities. The only ones I let past blaming a disability is if it's a learning disability, which my mother has. I help her type out her e-mails because she doesn't know how to spell very well, which I can completely understand and feel helpful about, because she has a LEARNING disability. The only time you can get excused for doing bad at something like "Bad Grammar" or "Bad At Math" Is if you have a learning disability. NO other Disability should keep you from learning bad grammar.

Re: Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 2:01 pm | #29
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by jroo505:
BAsically make a avatar like microsoft made but for the website just as 360 has u can cloth it and like move em but also i had another thread about having the 10 day or whatever awards make points that u could spend on ur avatar not real money sillies much clearer sorry i dont speak clear enough for some people idk why and 4 threads = 10 mins sorry i was just thinking about lots of stuff as i was on gamestop and my ADHD AND ADD kicked in lol
WHAT THE FUCK HAS PUNCTUATION EVER DONE TO YOU????????? WHY DO YOU HATE IT SO MUCH???????????????????????????????????????????
You don't talk like that. You don't. No one does. You wouldn't walk up to your friends and say "Hey guys I was thinking about this thing where we could do this other thing and what do you think about that because the sky is blue hey is that a monkey why do monkeys eat bananas anyway and throw their poop why don't they throw their bananas and eat poop have you eaten poop before I have it tasted like bananas so tell me what you think about my idea"
I think you need to remember WE ARE NOT IN YOUR HEAD. Just because you're thinking it doesn't mean everyone else knows what you're talking about. Lay off the indefinite articles, and work on ACTUALLY explaining yourself. And stop blaming ADD for being retarded. Plenty of people have ADD and can control themselves ON THE INTERNET.
^ This almost made me piss myself I was laughing so much.
On topic (I think): No Avatars.
Re: Re: Avatars
05/17/10 5:00 pm | #30
Quote by jroo505:
Ok i did not mean to put a big thread for other stuff u guys like the idea or no its simple or explain in a thread how come u dont like it this is getting kinda out of hand and i just made a general statment and everyone just adds on please message me if u wanna say something but think about the thread
im not making another thread about this when i can just post in this thread about my opinion im talking the same way you do maybe youll understand if you find this annoying youre a huge ass hypocrite who can go fuck himself so i hope you dont think im being annoying w/ this or im going to stalk you down and slap you or just virtually since that requires less effort i think avatars are a stupid idea it would cost lots of money we could use said money to improve other parts of the site like the chat room since i think its still all stupid and messed up but idk i havent been there in a while or we can add on something cool to the site but idk i think jackson has don enough shit as is so he can just use that money to get himself something awesome like fuzzy dice for his car or some fuckin aviator shades i think your idea is stupid and pointless i hope you understand what ive said