Archived: Avatars
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
05/16/10 12:40 pm | #1
Ok XBOXAMERICA i know this would be a task for the workers but can u guys make it to where we can have out own avatar for the website created like i guess xbox does and like where we can get the points from the achievements we earn on here (its posted in my other threads) and buy stuff for him/it/she whatever u may wanna call the AVATAR ? whatcha guys think?
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 12:44 pm | #2
This is the first time that I have been unable to decipher what someone has written. I can't vote in your poll until you express yourself more clearly. Please try again.
This is the first time that I have been unable to decipher what someone has written. I can't vote in your poll until you express yourself more clearly. Please try again.
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 12:47 pm | #3
I said 3 threads in 10 minutes but I missed one! 4 threads in 10 minutes!
I agree with Evol.. Are you talking about putting our avatars on XBA.. And then buying stuff from them?
I agree with Evol.. Are you talking about putting our avatars on XBA.. And then buying stuff from them?
Re: Re: Avatars
05/16/10 12:58 pm | #4
Quote by theEVOL1:
This is the first time that I have been unable to decipher what someone has written. I can't vote in your poll until you express yourself more clearly. Please try again.
This is the first time that I have been unable to decipher what someone has written. I can't vote in your poll until you express yourself more clearly. Please try again.
maybe hes retarded evol

Re: Avatars
05/16/10 1:00 pm | #5
BAsically make a avatar like microsoft made but for the website just as 360 has u can cloth it and like move em but also i had another thread about having the 10 day or whatever awards make points that u could spend on ur avatar not real money sillies much clearer sorry i dont speak clear enough for some people idk why and 4 threads = 10 mins sorry i was just thinking about lots of stuff as i was on gamestop and my ADHD AND ADD kicked in lol
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 1:03 pm | #6
I hate avatars.. So I say nay. Besides that would take tons of resources and time which we don't have/could spend on something better.
Re: Re: Avatars
05/16/10 1:43 pm | #7
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I hate avatars.. So I say nay. Besides that would take tons of resources and time which we don't have/could spend on something better.
True but that could be a side job? or at least make the awards give u something then have something u can do on the website with the award points
Re: Re: Re: Avatars
05/16/10 1:45 pm | #8
Quote by jroo505:
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I hate avatars.. So I say nay. Besides that would take tons of resources and time which we don't have/could spend on something better.
True but that could be a side job? or at least make the awards give u something then have something u can do on the website with the award points
the awards do give you something. they give you an award. OSHI-
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 2:53 pm | #10
Well in about 15 more years jroo, you will make a most impressive republican canadiate.
Re: Re: Avatars
05/16/10 11:25 pm | #11
Quote by ComMandeR SouR:
Well in about 15 more years jroo, you will make a most impressive republican canadiate.
yeaa! we'll go from G-Dub to J-Roo!
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 11:29 pm | #12
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 11:50 pm | #14
LOUD NOISES. F avatars, i hate the avatars on the 360, hence me making mine ridiculous looking with a mullet and aviator glasses wearing a pin striped suit. How the hell would we make an avatar move on a community leader/message board site? While were on the subject of any kind of avatar, f the avatar movie too lol.
Re: Avatars
05/16/10 11:56 pm | #15 just stop...
3.) This is a STUPID idea
3.) This is a STUPID idea