Archived: AudioSurf
Posted Under: Gaming
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02/22/10 3:39 pm | #1
this game Audiosurf changed my life. its guitar hero meets music YOU want to play from your library meets a rocket ship meets extreme tetris.
mouthful, i agree. but is so fun. its availible on Steam gaming community, http://www.steampowered.com drop $10, or $5 when they have a special. but i would LOVE this game to come to Xbox, PS3, and PSP. it rightfully deserves it. very, very addictive and fun. dont believe me? go grab the demo. allows you to play 5 songs from your library on your comp, and gives you 3 difficulty levels. all you need to do is sign up on steam and download the toolbar(it makes EVERYTHING easy). im not publisizing Steam, just letting people know about it.

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