Archived: Are you ready to kinect?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 10:37 am | #1
Hey guys what are you thinking about the new kinect? it seems pretty awsome but I think I might miss having the controler in my hand and memorizing controls but I would like to try kinect.
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 10:38 am | #2
no. i had kincet....i called it wii
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 11:04 am | #4
I will probably pick it up, but mostly bcuz my girls want the Kinectimals game
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 11:46 am | #6
Nah, I won't be picking this up unless they actually release good games for it ( and I hope they don't

Re: Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 12:07 pm | #7
Quote by Greg:
Nah, I won't be picking this up unless they actually release good games for it ( and I hope they don't

This exactly.
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 12:40 pm | #8
New bundle.. Kinect and New Xbox 360 for $300.

Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 12:58 pm | #9
im ready for kinect but im not ready for that price i can just buy a new wii for 150
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 1:20 pm | #10
Does it come with achievement?
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 2:31 pm | #11
Honestly I don't really care about Kinect at all. I won't be buying it, unless they announce a Kinect-inclusive Gears of War 4 or something gay like that. If I wanted to spend 150$, I could buy a Wii and finally get to play Super Mario Galaxy.
Re: Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 3:01 pm | #12
Quote by Ellahjay88:
Nah not interested in their Wii ripoff, but without controller. I have loose animals in my house (including my sisters/family) and the way they are they would think it's funny to fuck with me by walking in front of it and fuckin me up while playing it. It's a cool concept, but I'm not buying it for $150 when I can get another Wii for that price :/ I wish them well with it though!
I have this same problem except they don't live with me, BUT when my wife's aunt comes home she likes to walk slowly past the TV when I'm playing and it makes me want to knock her upside the head with the controller.
But I will be getting it, I like the idea of FF and RW a movie with no hands and being able to sign on and off hands free too. Plus my wife is giddy about a couple of the dance games and the work out game as well...So, we will be picking this up, kind of the main reason we got the new xbox 360 was for when the Kinect does come out.
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 4:10 pm | #13
guys wii is not the same as kinect is a better hands free if they wanted to compete with the wii they would have just made an xbox move like ps3 did, theres a huge amount that is going to change with this. and i think its well worth the 150 becasue if you did buy a wii for the 4 controllers and the wii chuck youd spend well over 250 after it was said and done.
Re: Are you ready to kinect?
07/21/10 4:10 pm | #14
Im not paying $150 for it. Im going to wait until the price goes down