Archived: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/06/11 12:01 pm | #1
Just was curious what your thoughts were and maybe compare it to Pure.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/06/11 12:37 pm | #2
never played nail'd, but i do have Pure, which i need to finish up, still missing like close to 475 some gamerscore from it to have it 100%'d
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/06/11 9:06 pm | #3
I liked Pure better.
Re: Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/06/11 9:29 pm | #4
Quote by HoJo1369:
I liked Pure better.
i glanced at this and thought you said "i like pure peanut butter" I was about to talk some shit, lol
I didn't really care for Pure, IDK why...the last game like that that I played was ATV vs BMX or whatever the hell it was called.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/14/11 7:41 am | #6
I tried the demo the other night and liked it, but was disappointed that I wasn't able to use a motorcycle instead of the atv.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/22/11 5:46 am | #7
I set my profile up for N. America and the state I live in and I dont think I had a choice to use ATV or bike. Maybe certain state use bike over ATV I cant remember. If your going for the online achvmnts good luck. I had a hard time getting the ones I got and it took a long time. People dont seem to play this online alot as I thought they would.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/23/11 9:08 am | #8
I havent played this yet or tried the demo but i do have it on my rental list at gamefly, i have heard a few people saying it isnt quite as good as pure but still a load of fun.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/23/11 11:20 am | #9
i tried the full out game, and it freakin BLOWS! i would not recommend this game to anyone at all...
not to mention, the achieves suck too.
not to mention, the achieves suck too.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/23/11 11:30 am | #10
I played the demo and personally I thought it sucked.....badly.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
02/28/11 4:28 pm | #11
This game looks like a sub-par racing game from last generation's systems, stay far away from this stinker, or wait another 2 months when its price is drastically reduced...

Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
09/08/11 12:22 am | #13
I rented nail'd.
Played for 15 mins.
Put in microwave.
Returned shortly afterwards.
Played for 15 mins.
Put in microwave.
Returned shortly afterwards.
Re: Anyone played the game Nail'd?
07/14/12 6:52 pm | #14
Nail'd sucked I only played 1o minutes as well. Pure was an awesome game and proud to say I have 1000 in that.
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