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Archived: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
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This does not tell me he put it in today, that could mean he got off 6 months ago.

Good try melissa. I just showed my L.A. teacher what that SENTENCE said.
She said, "Yes, that would be considered a statement or a sentence."

How you like them apples EVOL!

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Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Hey now.. I wear the panties in this forum. That means j get the wedgies (and panty rash). Which also means I'm the only one who can yell. Inside voices!

Oh and also. Who really cares about whether it's a sentence or not? Let's not change the topic and fight about it. I mean come on the post is about halo 2 MS rewards. Microsoft has not specified who or how someone gets it. But I do believe people are just drawn out of an extremely large cat-in-the-hat-esque hat. We all know halo 2 wasn't that good anyway :p. (I played it a ton..)
Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Silver Waffle
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I used to play Halo 2 like crazy back in the day but I haven't gotten anything out of this deal but oh well I'm not gunna cry if I don't.
Re: Re: Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by Melissa Evol:

Quote by CHASE1494:

This does not tell me he put it in today, that could mean he got off 6 months ago.

Good try melissa. I just showed my L.A. teacher what that SENTENCE said.
She said, "Yes, that would be considered a statement or a sentence."

How you like them apples EVOL!

Out of context it might appear to be a sentence, however when it's IN context, it makes no sense. "That could mean he got off 6 months ago" means what exactly? He got off what? Drugs? A horse? Or are you perhaps using slang and referring to him masturbating? Also, even given the actual meaning, and ignoring your lousy grammar, whether he "put it in today" or "got off 6 months ago" has nothing to do with the original question asked. You still have no idea what his thread was about, yet you continue to post in it.

Also, congratulations to your teacher for knowing you're on the Internet on a gaming forum in class and not caring. No wonder you come off as having the same intelligence as a rock- look at the education you're getting.

I'm sorry Chase but pwnd!!!!!!
Hahaha...wait a horse lol?
And I called M$, and after Speaking to that robot bitch that can't understand me.I got transfered to a regular representative She said she could not do anything, then transfered me to the account/billing department and they told me they could not do anything about it...grr but I will try a couple more times (I have 2 48 hour codes and 1 more coming up for the blur beta)
Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
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Hey guys I know who started the stuff in this thread but lets not make it a bashing thread. Try to stick to the original topic. :)
Re: Anyone else Get the Free 3 Months and 400MS Points?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Yes I got this message:

Quote by Xbox LIVE:

Xbox v1 LIVE service to be discontinued for Originals games. As a valued LIVE member, enjoy 400 free MS points and 3 free months of LIVE Gold. Here is your points token: Free months directly added to your account

I used the code for 400 ms points but i dont think the 3 months added because I currently have silver
2 11755
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