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Archived: Anybody else see this?

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Re: Anybody else see this?
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Quote by MizTian Cage:

More proof of why I refuse to play with random fucktards I don't know. Period!

Damn straight. It's much better to play with fucktards you DO know!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anybody else see this?
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Quote by Heaven In Vain:

Quote by Detroit:

A SWAT team in any country doesn't need a warrant for an immediate emergency/threat.

That would be stupid to waste time getting a warrant for somebody who has a hostage or is going on a killing spree in their home. Like I had said before.... its not a drug raid, its emergency respone. You dont need a warrant. Anywhere.

every country has their own laws,Toronto's ETF even for hostage situations like when a gunman goes into a highschool and keeps a class hostage (been through 3 of them personally) needs a warrant from a judge giving them the right to go into a private school,maybe in public schools its different i am not sure.we had cops on our campus talking to the man who took the class hostage to keep him calm but thats it.


Is Exigent circumstances. Even in Canada.

Exigent circumstances are when getting a warrant is not practical due to an emergent situation.

Like I said for the 10123940539th time. You dont need a search warrant. Its a response to an emergency/threat... not a drug raid... they arent searching your house, they're just stopping the problem.

Just think about. A kid is going on killing spree at school. Cops: "Oh yeah lets just waste 15 minutes getting this warrant signed, while little Jimmy is slaughtering his classmates". It would be stupid to need a warrant for something like that thats why you have Exigent circumstances
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