I'm back. I had a lot of fun, but there's not much more you can do when it's your 11th year in a row to the same spot,

I saw Terry Fator, the ventrilaquist who was on Americas Got Talent, he was really good. I say Dark Knight for the 3rd time (yay!), I now COMPLETELY understand the entire movie (before there were a few concepts/parts I didn't really get). I went Mini-Golfing (yay?), which was fun as usual, nice to bring out the kid in you (well in my case the younger kid in me xD). I watched Jackass with my cousins (that movie was like, WTF), and Be Kind Re-wind.
And the highlight of the trip was... HARD ROCK PARK!!!! We saw it under construction last year, and seeing as this is our last year going to the beach, we had to go. It was really fun, kind of small, but they have two shopping centers under their name around the park that they're going to expand on (so I'm going to have to go back to see the finished large park). There was only one "Real" roller coaster, the Led Zeppelin. It was fun, but it has been done before, and done better (i.e. the Raptor at Cedar Point). There was 4 "Other" coasters, the Maximum RPM, which was my favorite because it was so different and new. Instead of a chain-lift, your car loads onto a ferris wheel and you spin to the top and you go down (it was cool), and it was INHUMANLY SMOOTH. It felt like I was riding on air (no joke). Then there was the Eagles: Life in the Fast Line, which was also interesting because it had TWO chain-lifts

Led Zeppelin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQoYWedSfhw
Eagles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlQnrbiPWcc&feature=related
Maximum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BonP23V4gZg&feature=related
Slippery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbfEBvI-e5g&feature=related
Shake Rattle 'N' Rollercoaster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv7IQ7VgBF4&feature=related
We also got to see a Led Zeppelin cover band preform. They were really good. I made a short video of them, and it can be found on my Youtube profile here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5VZGHB0O_Q
That's about it.