Warner Bros. Interactive announced today plans top bring a new Looney Tunes based game to the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. The game is entitled Looney Toons: Acme Arsenal and will be an action-adventure genre.

The game will feature seven classic characters including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Tazmanian Devil, Foghorn Leghorn, Marvin the Martian, Gossamer and an unnamed "secret" character (Maybe Foghorn?) Players will battle in areas such as Camelot, Ancient Egypt, Mars, the Wild West and WWII.

The game will contain both a single-player campaign and a two-player co-op mode (including real-time physics that will support online play on Xbox Live for the 360 version).

Looney Toons: Acme Arsenal is scheduled to ship in Fall 2007 and is unrated at this time.