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Archived: Xbox 360 Messenger Kit

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Xbox 360 Messenger Kit

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I have it. And, I love it. It's such a great little add on if you use MSN messenger. Or, if you like to sent text messages instead on voice messages. Plus, it comes with a headset. Always good to have an extra.

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Re: Xbox 360 Messenger Kit
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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how strange... ooooooh... hey, is that windows logo key? I wonder If the controller is hooked up to the pc it would act a a gamepad/ keyboard... that would be killer to get a keymap program and map the mouse to the joypad and have the keyboard so you could kick back and surf.
Re: Xbox 360 Messenger Kit
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by SPiTT 0110:

how strange... ooooooh... hey, is that windows logo key? I wonder If the controller is hooked up to the pc it would act a a gamepad/ keyboard... that would be killer to get a keymap program and map the mouse to the joypad and have the keyboard so you could kick back and surf.

That would be awesome! x_o
Re: Xbox 360 Messenger Kit

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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

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Quote by syztem x:

That would be awesome! x_o

I agree. That would be pretty sick. it wouldn't make my back hurt when I'm chillin' on the PC and playing Xbox.

But, there is no Windows key. All that is, is the messenger key. When you press it, you get a little Instant Message box for MSN.
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