Archived: XbO 1st
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XbO 1st
06/17/06 6:39 pm | #1
i would like to brag that i am the first XbO "hardened veteran" for posts.. it would have been z, but he is old and a so called "super moderator" (whatever that means)
Re: XbO 1st
06/17/06 6:42 pm | #2
well atlest all my post are good and not spam "cough" hockey "cough" just joking
well I will be secont hardened vetran
well I will be secont hardened vetran
Re: XbO 1st
06/17/06 6:45 pm | #3
Quote by alzapa:
well atlest all my post are good and not spam "cough" hockey "cough" just joking
well I will be secont hardened vetran
well I will be secont hardened vetran
haha, its 50% not spam lol
you'll be second unless someone goes post crazy
Re: XbO 1st
06/17/06 6:55 pm | #4
Dam, Congrats hockey;)
Re: XbO 1st
06/18/06 9:51 pm | #5
OK. You guys are getting all lubby jubby on us, and a little toooo close
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