Calling all Casual, Hardcore, Retro, Import, Cyber Athletes, gamer dudes, and gamer chicks out there in XBA land. Its time for weekly installment of our XBA/360 group super blog for the week of October 13, 2008. First of I would like to apologize for it being more than a couple days late from my usual day of putting this out at the beginning of the week. Sometimes things come up that slow the info and getting it out to the public. I was tie up with family business and knee deep into the game Half life 2 on the Orange Box (wonderful FPS if you are into them).
To date we have 89 active members with a grand total of 3,351,068 gamer points 37,652 per member climbing by made possible by 193 achievements adding up to around 3,550 points since yesterday. 62 out of 87 members were burning the midnight oil to get us to where we are today!!! We are currently holding down 5th place in the race to the top of the all time group members list out of 460 groups that have been created!
If you still havent joined the blog group yet heres the link: