To date, we have 2,861,084 gamer score points with a break down of 35,764 points per member and 80 members to date.
One of our newest members to join since last time goes by the screen name of zombie dork with a gamer score of 6,645 points and a streak of 4 days going on in his favor.

WE are currently holding down the number 5th spot on the most members in a group list out of the 430 groups that have been created.
Come one people!!! Get your friends, family members, college roommates, history teachers, or your friendly neighborhood bum whoever you can get to sign up so we can take the top!! (Or at least break 100 members)
Just in case you do have the link here it is: XBA/360 VOICE SUPER BLOG GROUP
P.S. I think from now on when I type this little update I should throw in something extra in the fray like a member of the week or quotes and stuff. Tell me what you guys think and if you have any ideas of what you may want to see in here.
Until next time this is Crooklynmayo and Im fading to black....