Archived: Windows
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01/31/07 2:10 pm | #1
So, Windows Vista was released yesterday, anyone here try it? What do you think about it as an Operating System and what Microsoft plans to do with it as far as integrating it with the 360? I actually just picked up a laptop last night that has Vista Home Premium pre-loaded on it. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, I'll probably open it up and configure it over the weekend. Normally I'm not an early adopter, but I needed a laptop for school and such and this was a pretty sweet deal at Circuit City.
Re: Windows
01/31/07 3:05 pm | #2
let me know how it turns out cuz i really wanna get it
Re: Windows
01/31/07 4:04 pm | #3
My dad is planning on replacing a couple PCs with new ones with Vista. Vista's requirements to run everything included are forcing the replacement.
Personally, I'm not planning on upgrading to Vista... atleast for a few years if ever. I've heard some really negative things about Vista, and I rather invest in Leopard.
Personally, I'm not planning on upgrading to Vista... atleast for a few years if ever. I've heard some really negative things about Vista, and I rather invest in Leopard.
Re: Windows
01/31/07 4:19 pm | #4
Quote by Pastafarianism:
Personally, I'm not planning on upgrading to Vista... atleast for a few years if ever. I've heard some really negative things about Vista, and I rather invest in Leopard.
Re: Windows
01/31/07 5:57 pm | #5
Quote by alzapa:
Re: Windows
02/25/07 9:11 pm | #6
it takes a little getting used to but its really cool...i only got to test it out...its a bit Macy but its still more simple than macs...and i have used macs like bout 5 times and vista once...and vista was easier to use
i still do not know how to get the all program button on a mac :S
i still do not know how to get the all program button on a mac :S
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