Archived: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
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Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 1:26 pm | #2
It just is LOL!
Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 1:28 pm | #3
Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 1:30 pm | #4
ya I just noticed alot of the people there are from the UK, and over there no one knows who you are, but here everyone knows everyone, its like a small town where everyone is friendly
Re: Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 2:52 pm | #7
Quote by Golden138:
That's why I only use them for the achievement hints. I don't go to the forums much at all.
yup once i found this site i havent bothered with their forums. plus i noticed in their new articles all the responses r either completely retarded by saying first! or just bashing the news bc they dont like the game. everyone on that site seems to only think of themselves
Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 3:44 pm | #8
I agree completely that the community here is by far so much better. The only thing 360a has that's worth a damn is the achvmnt guides.
Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 4:17 pm | #13
i with Tom Peeper on this lets just take their guides i dont think they have them copywrited, and this sites community is nice and im pretty sure myself and others wouldnt mind taking time out of their life to make achievement guides for troubled players or new players... i mean just alone i could probably knockout 5-10 achievement guides myself just with experience with games.. and i bet others could do the exact same thing
BTW this site is much more promising with its achievement boosting
BTW this site is much more promising with its achievement boosting
Re: Why Xbox America Is Better Then x360a
06/26/09 4:25 pm | #14
Quote by MILLER x360a:
At this site if you spell on little thing wrong your not going to get 100 people telling you that you spelt it wrong.
I think you mean "at this site if you spell one little thing wrong you're not going to get 100 people telling you that you spelled it wrong"
I keed, I keed! Just bustin' your chops bud. I agree with all points here and while I occasionally check many other gaming forums, XbA is definitely the only one worth frequenting.
On top of all the great stuff you guys mentioned, we also have a very dedicated administrator, Jackson, who goes far above and beyond the call of duty to constantly add new features and take care of stuff.