Archived: What's up?
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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What's up?
11/21/09 4:35 am | #1
Hey, new here, thought I'd follow the advice of my first message and introduce myself.
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 4:45 am | #2
Welcome to the site!
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 8:15 am | #3
Welcome to the boards Emerica, always nice to see people older than me! Makes me feel young again.
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 9:32 am | #4
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 10:23 am | #6
Hail and welcome to XbA.
How are you enjoying DA:O?
How are you enjoying DA:O?
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 10:41 am | #7
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 11:16 am | #8
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 11:27 am | #9
Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay.
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 12:09 pm | #10
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 12:42 pm | #12
Howdy Partner! Welcome to XbA
Re: What's up?
11/21/09 12:42 pm | #13
Howdy Partner! Welcome to XbA
Re: What's up?
11/22/09 8:45 am | #14
DA:O is amazing
Another BioWare masterpiece imo.

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