What's Your Gaming Schedule?
12/01/09 4:10 pm | #1
I know everyone has different and fluctuating work/school schedules but I know some of us have regular hours that they're online. So I thought I'd start a thread where XBA members can go to see which other members are regularly on X-Box Live when they are. Feel free to send me a PM with your gaming schedule. I'll post it here on the first page and do my best to update it on a regular basis.
I for one, work at home and could be online all day but I try to regulate my gaming to my free time. My gaming schedule roughly looks like:
Weekdays: Every day: 11PM or 12AM - 3 or 4AM, Tue & Thu: 6-8PM EST
Weekends: Friday-Sunday evenings: 8-10PM and 11 or 12 - 3 or 4AM EST