Archived: What went terribly wrong?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/22/09 7:43 pm | #17
that frikkin bomberman game! o god
Re: Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/22/09 7:45 pm | #18
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
that frikkin bomberman game! o god
Bomberman: Act Zero??

Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/23/09 2:00 am | #19
Bomberman Act Zero, Fusion Frenzy 2, Jumper, and Shellshock 2 have all been under scored by LSL.
Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/23/09 8:09 am | #20
Any MLB 2K Series, they all suck horribly
Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/23/09 9:17 am | #21
Glitched Achievements. Why cant a company do what is common correctly?
Merchs 2
Bad company (Medals used to be glitched)
And Hawx
.... 3/4 EA games...
Merchs 2
Bad company (Medals used to be glitched)
And Hawx
.... 3/4 EA games...
Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/23/09 11:04 am | #22
oh dont forget gears of war 1...stupid glitched mutiplayer achievements....
Re: What went terribly wrong?
05/23/09 2:22 pm | #23
two words two worlds was such a dissapointment all my buddies were stoked for online and it was so bad laggiest launch title ever not to mention the graphics and gameplay were garbage i cant believe there doing a seqauel
Re: What went terribly wrong?
07/11/09 11:01 pm | #24
eragon...I don't really know what it was about this game...but I'm still slowly working through this disaster...
Re: What went terribly wrong?
07/11/09 11:16 pm | #26
Personally I liked King Kong and Turok, but I do like any FPS out there usually
Re: What went terribly wrong?
07/11/09 11:18 pm | #27
once I get use to the buttons of course, why can't shooter games have a default CoD button layout?
Re: Re: Re: What went terribly wrong?
07/11/09 11:41 pm | #28
Quote by Shockwave:
Quote by Mike93:
Man... There's only been two games I've actually stopped playing. I'm usually a pretty easy gamer to please. Sonic, the whole game just sucked. And MLB 2k9 has so many glitches its crazy.
I would 100 % agree with this statement Mlb 2k series the last 2-3 years SUCK!!!!!
It doesn't help that 2K has absolutely no competition when it comes to baseball on the 360. If Sony had any sense they'd make The Show available for the 360 cause they'd kick the shit outta 2gay in sales. 2K sports games have always garbage going all the back to their lousy Dreamcast titles.
Re: What went terribly wrong?
07/12/09 5:11 pm | #29
OH GAWD I HATED EAT LEAD:RETURN OF MATT HAZARD. The game was so repetitive,it was boring,chessy, and down right awful. I got what achievements I could then returned it.
Too Human was fun at first but when the 10th level was the same as the rest of them, but harder and more frustrating.It tends to get annoying.Pre-Ordered it to.
You guys are going to hate me for this but I loved Two Worlds
Well what was left to love.
Too Human was fun at first but when the 10th level was the same as the rest of them, but harder and more frustrating.It tends to get annoying.Pre-Ordered it to.
You guys are going to hate me for this but I loved Two Worlds

Well what was left to love.