Archived: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
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What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 1:11 am | #1
i likeee the 360 but i loke the ps3 too lool so whatever tell which game systemm u like the most (and if u want put ur gamertag) exp... Ps3= HoLyRoLLeR420
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 1:12 am | #2
Xboxx 360 !!!!!!!!!
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 2:27 am | #3
I've had all three. Sold the wii because there didn't seem to be any games i wanted to play coming out.
I mainly use my PS3 for bluray/dvd player. There are only a few must have games to play on the PS3.
The 360 gets played everyday. There is always some game I want to play on it.
I mainly use my PS3 for bluray/dvd player. There are only a few must have games to play on the PS3.
The 360 gets played everyday. There is always some game I want to play on it.
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 2:28 am | #4
I turned the 360 into a job getting achievements and forgot why i started playing in the first place...i am gonna dust off the wii and play for fun to bring back the point of gaiming FUN!!!!!! MARIO KART IS THE SHIT!!!!
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 2:45 am | #6
I like my 360 the most since I get to game and chat with you guys and gals anytime I want
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 3:26 am | #7
Do we really need to beat the dead horse again about an issue that is obviously by choice and personal preference? And really... the site is called XBOX America.
PS - I like the Xbox 360 most.
PS - I like the Xbox 360 most.

Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 5:46 am | #9
well, i have a 360 and wii. wii is fun when friends come over, and they wanna play like wii sports or sommit
but mainly when i dont have company over (happens alot more then is sounds like) i game the 360. i play the current good games (check my recents. geometry wars, halo 3, gow, and castle crashers are my latest craze) or, current good ones imo anyways. workin on gettin all gamerscore on them (have halo 3, idk how imma get geometry, gow is gon take forever, and castle crashers might too) bvut theyre fun/awesome games
but mainly when i dont have company over (happens alot more then is sounds like) i game the 360. i play the current good games (check my recents. geometry wars, halo 3, gow, and castle crashers are my latest craze) or, current good ones imo anyways. workin on gettin all gamerscore on them (have halo 3, idk how imma get geometry, gow is gon take forever, and castle crashers might too) bvut theyre fun/awesome games

Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 7:22 am | #10
Grammar. Punctuation. Proper spelling. A jedi fears not these things.
Re: What u like the 360,ps3 or wii
09/08/08 7:30 am | #11
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Grammar. Punctuation. Proper spelling. A jedi fears not these things.
LOL! That was very italic of you Nemesis!