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Archived: What is 360voice.com
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Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 6:54 pm | #76
Quote by TK Chillin:
But then I have to look at him with his gay pink shirt on. Well better pink shirt on, then shirt off. *holding hand over pic*
OK, I see the blog, Thanks MEG your a gem.
keep it up TK..i look damn good in that pink shirt, lol
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
welcome tk!
hah i'd be the pink crayon, kiddo
you can be whatever color you want...even though i wear a pink shirt...i sure as hell won't be no pink crayon, lol
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 6:58 pm | #77
Don't they refer to a dog boner as a pink crayon? or am I the only one who laughed at that?? lol
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 6:58 pm | #78
LMAO!!!! !!!!
meg can be the dog boner crayon
but no i think your the only one that laughed at that until you pointed it out, lol
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:01 pm | #79
lol no offense Meg! I swear!
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:04 pm | #80
Quote by theevol1:
Don't they refer to a dog boner as a pink crayon? or am I the only one who laughed at that?? lol
No, a dog boner is a Red Rocket.
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:05 pm | #81
Quote by TK Chillin:
No, a dog boner is a Red Rocket.
I've heard both! That's the south park name for it! lol
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:06 pm | #82
LOL!...its funny how we can turn a simple thread into something like this, LOL!
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:09 pm | #83
Hey, he got his answer!
I never expected to ever post the word dog boner in my life though! lol
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:11 pm | #84
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:18 pm | #85
Were we not just asked to refrain from highjacking threads or posting non-relevant comments in.... no wait. This is an off-topic thread!! Well I'll be damned! Please continue.... and where are my 360Voice.com watch list adds?
ReverendMeta, Kidd Cartel, theEVOL1, and meg a destr0yer are off the hook.
Now I'm looking at 'you know who you are' XBAmerica.com users! Yah you. If you are feeling guilty, that's because you are. LOL!
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:21 pm | #86
I was gonna say, VIP!! I had you on my list for awhile!!
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:24 pm | #87
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:31 pm | #88
Quote by theevol1:
I was gonna say, VIP!! I had you on my list for awhile!!
Duely recognized evil one!
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
ill add you vip lol
Then consider a return with much appreciation BZT!
The rest of you are still on notice!!
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:32 pm | #89
people can watch me on 360voice ill watch you back
Re: What is 360voice.com
06/27/08 7:33 pm | #90
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