I understand there were a lack of articles/news for a while and I was a large part to blame in that fact as I just wasn't into getting articles written, however I am trying to stay on top of the fact from here on out, but frankly I want to hear what the community wants to see. Please post in here any types of articles or news that you would like to see, heck if you want to see a game review feel free to post that and we will see what we can do. Please also note, this isn't intended to be a thread to tell us what you don't want, please keep it along the lines of what you would like to see.
The general goal of this is if people want more game reviews, we will try to do that, if you want more DLC updates, XBLA updates, etc, we will try to focus on those issues a little more.
The only post I don't want to see in here is "we want the community spotlight" as I can promise you I am working on the next one at the time of this posting and will continue to bring you these on a monthly basis.
I would also like to take this time to point out that frequently someone starts a thread that is newsworthy and if they had submitted it to us as news we could have posted it up there. The writers are not the only ones who can write reviews and news