Archived: What The Heck
Posted Under: 360 Talk
What The Heck
07/18/09 5:25 am | #1
Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 7:24 am | #2
Privacy settings or he' not legit. I think I'll go with option 2 seeing as he sorta came out of left field.
Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 9:31 am | #3
no he didnt... he's been in the top 25 since i can remember
Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 9:45 am | #4
Look at his profile again. He has gamerscore, he just has his privacy settings enabled so you can't see which games he has played.
Re: Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 8:24 pm | #5
Quote by Jackson:
Look at his profile again. He has gamerscore, he just has his privacy settings enabled so you can't see which games he has played.

Re: Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 8:43 pm | #7
Quote by Dr Peeper:
Yeah unfortunately people gamesave all the time. I'm sure plenty people near the top have. Not all but alot.
xbox bans ip addresses AND xbox serial numbers for gamesaving, this process takes about 3 days to detect, i used to work for them... he's been at the top for more than 3 days, he's legit... the only way to gamesave without being caught is by NEVER connecting to xbl.
Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 8:50 pm | #9
man.... he's from PA too. -1 spot ftl.
Re: Re: What The Heck
07/18/09 8:54 pm | #10
Quote by Noah 9000:
man.... he's from PA too. -1 spot ftl.
Re: What The Heck
08/01/09 11:15 am | #11
Y'know what, I've been checking into this some more and this guy has only played about 110 games or so..if that's true there's no way in the world his gamerscore can add up to 340,000's either he cheated somehow or it's a any means, I hope the moderator or the boss or whomever created this site investigates this more and if this guy is found to have cheated then ban him and ban him now!!
Re: Re: What The Heck
08/01/09 11:21 am | #12
Quote by chrisarcade:
Y'know what, I've been checking into this some more and this guy has only played about 110 games or so..if that's true there's no way in the world his gamerscore can add up to 340,000's either he cheated somehow or it's a any means, I hope the moderator or the boss or whomever created this site investigates this more and if this guy is found to have cheated then ban him and ban him now!!
The game history on Xbox America is not complete. Microsoft only gives the 16 most recently played games for each gamertag. Over time we can build a pretty good list of games played, but there almost always are games that were played before the user registered here that we just can't pick up.
We do not ban users based on speculation. If Microsoft determines he cheated, than Microsoft will reset his gamerscore.
Re: What The Heck
08/02/09 12:11 am | #13
Ok I guess that's that
Re: What The Heck
08/02/09 1:14 am | #14
yup, that's that, if he hasnt been reset by now, it could be a while, or never..
Re: Re: What The Heck
08/10/09 2:06 am | #15
Quote by XxTime:
yup, that's that, if he hasnt been reset by now, it could be a while, or never..