Archived: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
Posted Under: 360 Talk
What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:34 pm | #1
I think they wanna start off looking good with good gamerscore and good ranks thats why people always want to buy cod4 10 prestige and halo 3 lv 50 accounts whats you opinion... Check out my other thread what do you think of people who sell there gamertags
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:36 pm | #2
There's already a thread basically about this same thing, only it's titled "My friend is selling his Gamertag" or something like that.
EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you already knew that as you started that one too.
EDIT: Nevermind, I guess you already knew that as you started that one too.
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:42 pm | #3
Ha or just ask the same question in the other thread
.. But since I'm here,
It's retarded.

It's retarded.
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:43 pm | #4
My answer is they are pathetic posers with no skill to do it themselves.
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:47 pm | #5
I did it that way its easier for me to read peoples opinions lol
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:51 pm | #7
Re: Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:53 pm | #8
Quote by Aaron:
no theres a diff in the two threads
follow me here:
1 thread is "what do you think of people of SELL gamertags."
this one is "what do you think of people who BUY gamertags."
get it?
follow me here:
1 thread is "what do you think of people of SELL gamertags."
this one is "what do you think of people who BUY gamertags."
get it?
It's still essentially the same thing and could have been covered in 1 thread.
I can read and know they are 2 different questions, but they are the same topic.
This is where the discussion of 13 year olds came in earlier. I simply made the comment to him, without being rude, and you come in and act like a smartass.
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/09/09 11:55 pm | #9
It's because Aaron is a smartass. Wait scratch that.. He's a dumbass.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/10/09 12:01 am | #11
Quote by Aaron:
yea i was trying to make the creator see he could of made 1 thread about both. and who isnt a smartass
Point taken, guess I am just too tired tonight.
In answer to your question, I guess I'd rather be a smartass than a dumbass. lol.
Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/10/09 12:14 am | #14
Don't advertise your thread here aaron, nub.
Re: Re: What Do you think of people who buy gamertags
08/10/09 1:25 am | #15
Quote by KnuckPuck:
hes new so he dosent now better
Yes im new just signed up yesterday so i still learning on the forums also thx for telling me in a nice way pureevil i could of kept this in the same thread instead of being a smartass lol