Archived: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
Posted Under: 360 Talk
What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 3:55 pm | #1
My Friend is selling his gamertag and he keeps sending all these M2af messages..Myself however i think whoever buys it is lazy because i think its better to have earned you own achievements whats your opinion on this?
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 3:56 pm | #2
I think it's retarded to buy one.
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 4:02 pm | #6
i'd never buy one, but hey... who am i to judge?
women (and perhaps men??) sell their bodies in vegas...
i wonder what a 50K 90%+ completionist tag would run for...
women (and perhaps men??) sell their bodies in vegas...
i wonder what a 50K 90%+ completionist tag would run for...

Re: Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 4:02 pm | #7
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I think it's retarded to buy one.
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 4:22 pm | #9
Well he has like 92,000 but then again he spent 3 years of sitting in his just playin so i dont think he gamesaves
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 6:06 pm | #11
One of my friends on live sells 1k in avatar for 800 microsoft points and people go for it all the time. A lot of them don't know how easy the game is but all he did is buy the game and people lend him their accounts for about 10 minutes then they have 1000 more gamerscore and he has 800 more microsoft points. I think its a genius idea personally.
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 6:26 pm | #12
I would sell my gamertag, assuming I ever quit playing Xbox (which isnt likely), If I quit I would want someone to continue building my score that I worked hard on. It seems like a better idea than just abandoning the score all together.
Re: Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 6:30 pm | #13
Quote by PineAppleKing:
One of my friends on live sells 1k in avatar for 800 microsoft points and people go for it all the time. A lot of them don't know how easy the game is but all he did is buy the game and people lend him their accounts for about 10 minutes then they have 1000 more gamerscore and he has 800 more microsoft points. I think its a genius idea personally.
man... that is awesome! i could do that!
hell, i could probably slap 5K on a profile every couple days...
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 6:31 pm | #14
The real question here is.....What do you think of people who actually buy these gamertags?
Re: What D You Think Of People Who Sell There Gamertags
08/09/09 6:32 pm | #15
i personally think it's foolish, but as i said before it's not my $$$.